Did my third eye get activated?

I had an activation tooā€¦ not lotto numbers though woah

My experience was that I was in reverie, mostly asleep but a little bit awake stateā€¦ dreaming of of a specific location, landmarks, a quarry a pub, the bush etcā€¦ I got woken by a call to work in this exact location today. No work at all there for quite some time, so not on my mind in any way. They say the veil is thin around halloween right?


Dream or desire that has become reality.

donā€™t forget, you promessed me youā€™d share when you win.

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Where is that post at? I havenā€™t been on here in a while @Psimindset

i donā€™t know might be deleted, but you have to keep that promess no matter what lol

Day hasnt come yet. If it did you would have known

There is something different i did. I listened to this subliminal by akuo and then the lotto sub as I was falling asleep

The affirmations deal with the etheric to

Did this happen to you after just one listen?

I mean I listened to that booster starting yesterday. Thatā€™s the crazy part. If you see his description it sounds something like sapien would do to. Crazy as hell

I have been listening to some Akuo subs for weeks but I have not achieved anything

Yes. you activated your third eye. Ive done this via meditation practice and i would start feeling a pulse on my third eye just randomly for years. Its just an activation but not an open third eye.

What I find interesting is that his subs work for me almost instantly. Especially his supernatural charisma (mesmerize anyone) subliminal. I have a lot of stories from that subliminal :rofl:

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how to open your third eye ?!

Meditation by focusing on the third eye will open it. Careful though - you get psychic powers.

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Whatā€™s wrong with psychic powers?

I thought that to have psychic powers, it was necessary to have certain connections between nerves or networks of nerves, as well as neurons.meditation may not be enough for the development of these networks of nerves. when i meditate on my third eye it activates, but does not open, maybe i should meditate a lot longer or a lot deeper.

Apparently, You will hallucinate or see things that are "not there " when third eye opens. Visions, psychic predictions and seeing dead bodies lol

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Any body elseā€™s 3rd eye make popping noises? Can any body flex their 3rd eye? And does it make noises when you do? I need answers lol


Your 3rd eye has developed muscles, never seen in this universe.



Every time I flex it the collective develops new muscle fibers!