Did you feel it too?

It seems that we have been going through an unprecedented energy shift in the past 3-5 days, did anyone else feel the same and/or notice the signs?


Some of us are doing the energy shift. BOOM!


Mother of all plotwists.


Yes because guru chandal yog is happening lol and itā€™s a big deal


I was high energy and ungrounded. Could be anything.

Anyone else is having their sky/weather intervened?

Everythingā€™s been weird lately.



Glad Iā€™m not the only one feeling something. Been kind of weak and out of it the last few days at least, today had a headache all day. A few days before, a lot more synchronicity.

@Imogen If you donā€™t mind, can you give us a brief rundown of what you view the significance of this is? We havenā€™t had this conjunction happen since 2016, which was quite an energy shift itself. So, Rahu + Guru = overloading on the spiritual? Or diverting from the normal Jupiter energy?

And the full moon just rose, wew Iā€™ve really been out of it, a lot going on right now, no wonder.


Yes. The conjunction back in 2016 is the result of why things going crazy back then. From financial point. Political as well. Itā€™s no surprise why Donald Trump won the election. Weather also affected. We got the worst drought in here in my country!

Then because of weather damage. 297 deaths and $53.5 billion in economic damage in the United States in 2016. Of these disasters, 15 cost at least $1 billion and together triggered $49.1 billion in damage across 38 states! Crazy!

What will happen this time is that the weather. Will be impacted. The conjunction happening in the first house ( aries) . Which represents the ( I. Am. And the head. ) so there will be lot of spiritual fight. Like religions fighting. Financially also will impact. Globally! You can see this very soon.

this conjunction lasts until 30 October! There will be global financial problem due to this conjunction as well. Food shortage can be seen due to this conjunction. False ideology such false gurus
False teaching can be seen as well. On the positive side.

Great improvement in technological sectors! You can already see this. Itā€™s already there. The artificial intelligence is like everywhere. Everyone talking about it. And it will keep getting better. Some new innovation can also be seen. Related to healing. Health care system can be improved here a lot! So you will see lot of discovery from this conjunction relating to finding a new way to cure diseases. Ect ect.

But since rahu is the outsider. Itā€™s the outcast. Which he tries to influence guru. ( Jupiter) there will be lot of confusion in lot of people mind. So be aware of that if you feel like you doubt yourself lately

Chant ram naam mantra. For this. Avoid anything that trigger rahu itself to be more bad during this time. Eat more vegetarian foods during this time period. From here you can greatly avoid the influence of rahu. Be more side with Jupiter! Which is the truth. Than rahu side.


We are in a drought here, too right now. Looks like itā€™s shaping up to be a wild summer.

AI has been here for a while, but itā€™s more overt now. Whatever it is has gained power.

Good to know! This + the full moon isnā€™t the best time for clear thinking it seems.

Appreciate you writing that all up!


Well Iā€™m interning at a recruitment firm now and literally in the past 2 days 7/10 of my candidates said they donā€™t wanna work no more, want to work less, with one not being able to work cause heā€™s hospitalised (from being too drunk and almost getting into an accident or smth)ā€¦ too much of a coincidence I feel


General signs: people generally tired, unmotivated, skies adopting bizzare patterns, mood instability, 3:00 PM anomalies (for those who partake in spiritual practice), more people interested in the arcane (occult, magick, astrology, etc.), more people being pushed to become tech savvy, a general feeling of ā€œsomething big is about to happenā€, for those who are spiritually inclined: a feeling of something greatly changing and channeling energy is insanely easier now.



Well at least you rationally stated it.
Instead of just claiming it is you or some ā€˜usā€™

I didnt expect that
But okay.

As you can see, people always rush to claim things here.
Some things are just not within the boxes people live in, so they can only interpret after it is translated and reasoned to fit their perceptions and of course with the full support their ego.


IĀ“ve felt like this few years ago
ā€œSomething will change the way we live in a dramatic way, our lifes will never be the same. ItĀ“s not gonna be funā€.

2 months later theyĀ“ve introduced covid.


I thinkā€¦ I understand what you mean.

Well, looking forward to what this holds, regardless of the actual nature of it (personal filter interpretation or collective shift)ā€¦ change is negentropic afterall.

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There was a concert or something and (was it) Madonna (or someone) had a mask (right before the coward pandemic), also I saw some clips and comments speculating that a pandemic will arrive soon, and there were many other such occurrences (like the 2019 pandemic simulation in new York, before coā€¦ Anyway)ā€¦

Back then I had a fear that something might happen - but maybe it was due to me being into these type of theories and not a real premonition.

I think this is a good time to celebrate the Oracle of Delphi who stated that Scorates was the wisest man in Ancient Greece because he knew that he knew nothing.

I personally have no clue whatā€™s going on, but it does seem that a lot of energetic ā€œfreakinessā€ is happening.

Cheers to more changes to come :beers: We only have control over how we interact with them, what they are is not for us to ponder.


Now thatā€™s a GOOD Prophecy!

Cheers! :beer::grinning:

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Iā€™d rather like to know what, who, how and why. But oh wellā€¦

I used the Mass Meditation field to clear some ā€œoddityā€ a few days ago too. Didnā€™t think of that when I read this thread.

Also frustrates me I donā€™t feel any such thing.


I think @Dreamweaver said something valuable here which we should always make a conscious effort to apply as often as possible (as long as it doesnā€™t become an obsession.)

Sometimes, not knowing is ok. Not feeling is ok.

I could share a wild theory here based on my personal interpretation: the gates were open a while back, but things were quietā€¦ relatively speakingā€¦ now it feels like something is slowly making its way throughā€¦

But itā€™s cryptic, enigmatic and itā€™s not something I can fully stand behind, substantiate or supportā€¦ just random words that come to mind, the source of which can be just about anything.


Mesha+ guru+ rahu.

All of them are fire Emplifier.

Another thing to mention here.

On October 30.

Either you are Pisces ascendant or virgo.

There will be restlessness for these two signs. As long as they both stay there for 18 months.

Especially if you are Pisces moon sign. A total confusion. To severally disordered mentally. Will happen. Trust me. You will feel what aries moon going through. For the last 16 months. Itā€™s going to be over soon for aries.

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You can either surf the wave or let it drown youā€¦ I chose to surf, and take those who have confided in me, with me, unto the ark.

To each their own shurg

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