I’d like to know the difference between Charisma and Glamour audio and Voice of Charisma dog tag. I have both now. Is the main difference only how people see us vs. how we speak to others? Or is it more than that?
Yes the difference is the audio is for the appearence and the dogtag for the voice, got the audio and it seems to work on your confidence a bit as well as how they others interact with you and not as how others want to hear you saying things.Don’t have the tag though so don’t know what it does to be specific.
Don’t know if it does…but wouldn’t care.
Everyone and their mom can cast a subconscious Glamour field and does for the most part
People with charismatic voices… become famous multi-millionaires or take over/lead entire countries if they so desire.
Voice > Glamour all day, every day, and twice on Sundays.
I’m trying to figure out all the subfields in this tag since it was quite expensive so I’ve assumed there is more to this field. The teespring description was pretty sparse.
@starlight Yeah, the field is pretty much as the description entails. There subfields that make it possible of course (like a field to move the energy from the heart to throat area and a field add extra love to the words and sounds when they come out) but this is the extent of it.
@Bre19 Teespring has a character limit unfortunately so we can’t add detailed descriptions there.
I think if someone want to have similar experience as Voice of Charisma dog tag but yet don’t have money for it Charisma and glamour+throat chakra is best deal??
So just to confirm, the field only works with the sounds (words or music) we make coming out from the larynx/voice box. No effect on written (typed) expression/communication? E-mails, etc.