Difference between soul, spirit and higher self

I found this online

The Soul is often considered to be the eternal, unchanging aspect of our being. Our life is actually the continuity of soul, using one body/identity after another to continue our journey of soul growth. Our soul is believed to be the source of our consciousness and contains all of our memories and experiences from past lives. It’s often seen as the link between the physical and spiritual worlds.

The Higher/Highest Self I like to think of as our True Self, the highest version of ourselves that we can be, and I see it even as being ‘above’ my Soul. This is what I like to connect with for guidance, as it is the version of us that guides us towards our highest good and helps us to make aligned choices.

Spirit (for me) is more the love of all that is which we are all part of and one with. Spiritually, we are one with all life, with every person, with all that is. In every moment of our life we are expressing spirit. The soul whom you are is the growth of the individualisation of spirit.

So in my own words, not sure do I understand correctly:
soul is the thing that will cycle in samsara (life and death cycle). Because it lives long long time, it has more knowledge than we do.

Higher self is more like our nature (the nature of water does not change in time. The nature water in 2000 years ago is the same as now. It will become ice, water, most due to temperature change. that is never changed and has no life and death.

Spirit is oneness? But isn’t higher self is also oneness?

Why I ask this question is…I need some advices on what jobs I should apply or work that will help on my cultivation/realization. I am very clueless on what to apply for remote jobs, and I don’t want to do call center or data entry (I have banking background, but dont want to return to this industry anymore) . And I don’t know what skills can I sell for money.

Thank you for your kind consideration


Maybe im wrong (also far from being an expert lol), but I understand/think that HS is like a Higher soul or the Soul of our soul or oversoul lol; if we imagine soul as an iceberg, the Higher Self is the deeper part; higher Self and spirit are kind of synonymous for me, but I like your take on Spirit being Oneness, thus our link to the Supreme too.

Anyway, complicated words to define unseen things and our mysterious nature/identity…

Words are inefficient anyway.

I guess lol (no idea).


Thanks. I am confused with these terms too because soul/higher self does not exist in Buddhism concept.

I am debating what track to spam (for good):

Sapien Medicine - Higher Self Experience
Sapien Medicine - Attract Your Soul Tribe

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The term oversoul is not very common to see, have you seen this painting before?

It’s called oversoul by Alex gray


I think it’s first time that I see it.
It looks Amazing.


According to this painting and certain things that I have learned from people more advanced than me spiritually, I understand something, (I don’t know if it was the artist’s intention) but I believe that The soul is the highest state of being and that our soul inhabits us and animates us in all universes and dimensions at the same time, the soul has the capacity to incarnate multiple times and in different physical and temporal dimensions, and is aware of all these incarnations at the same time. Although not all souls are the same, some are more advanced than others and some will cover more than others.

On the other hand, The higher self is the state of being that is below the soul and refers to ourselves in this same reality and dimension but in a timeline where it has reached its greatest development. That is why it is said that the higher self can give us answers and guidance because he has already gone through everything we have gone through, and knows which path is best.

Just speculation :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


HI @benign_polaris, it looks like you were kind enough to begin a response to my question based upon my quotation of your comment above, but then for reasons known only to yourself perhaps, preferred to delete the reply and your original post.

In accordance with your desire to have your words deleted, I shall also delete my post which quotes your now deleted post.

Thanks for your time and consideration of a reply.

@OleOle post deleted since no longer available for some

if looking for more thoughts/info, better to read through post first. If not there, can ask about it. People sometimes ask what’s already been answered, and already been asked.

more experienced members can navigate to what they’re looking for…or what they’re asking, comes to them

@benign_polaris Maybe English isn’t your first language, however I was being polite and trying do you a favour.

You can save your condesension for others who might appreciate it - I don’t, so pull your head in and take that stick out your azz.

Sorry everyone, i was very busy with different buddhism practise as it was Chinese new year. usually it would be busy from Day 1 to Day 15 (which ended at last Satruday).

So, i decided to focus on higher self connection, and i sort of ‘remember’ (or intuition) what i want to do in life, which is to cure myopia (nearsight), or draw comics to promote the need to quiet down for self realization.