The dire wolf is an extinct canine. It is one of the most famous prehistoric carnivores in North America, along with its extinct competitor Smilodon.
Enjoy the primal flow of energy of this apex being, The true king of the pack.
The dire wolf is an extinct canine. It is one of the most famous prehistoric carnivores in North America, along with its extinct competitor Smilodon.
Enjoy the primal flow of energy of this apex being, The true king of the pack.
Couldn’t resist some primal wolf energy
instant buy for me!
such a beauty
I also bought this one quickly! One look into those eyes and I knew that he had to come home with me and join our family. Can anybody here tell me if they had an instant connection with Dire Wolf like I did? I mean this Wolf is Active with a capitol A! Immediately came to me and started communicating very clearly as soon as he dropped into my wallet. He comes with us when we take our walks. This bad boy is massive like the size of a horse massive! While I was carrying my little dog she kept on looking down or over her shoulder, and sniffed! He’s like, “It’s alright we’re getting to know one another. She’s not afraid of me, and she knows that I will protect her.” Wow!
Is it a servitor? What are the main abilities? I have not found anywhere.
It’s a NFT from Sapien’s account
I believe there are still some for purchase!
Thank you. Is it a servitor?
It’s not a “servitor” persay, but it’s still energy imbued.
I genuinely do not know what it’s coined terminology is, however; hopefully, someone else will.
Although there are servitor NFTs such as
13th Skull and The Sacred 12.
Its like smilodon, but for a wolf and some more benefits since its a nft and well a wolf lol
Hi Guys, I just bought this NFT and have transferred to my wallet . This is my First ever NFT or Crypto thingy that I’ve ventured out and purchased successfully in my life !, yeah I’m pretty much a super noob to this NFT/crypto field and have just tasted the purchasing process of it
Am super interested and want some valuable advice from all you guys out here.
How does this particular NFT work ?
Does it start to fill you up with its energy and aura once you’ve successfully purchase it ?
Do I have to say anything/ affirmation to activate this energy ?
Do I have to display or see the image of the Dire Wolf image to have it actively working on me ?
And I understand that this is not a servitor field , so basically how does the Dire Wolf’s energy affect or effect on me , as in the works of it on my being ?
What does this Dire Wolf NFT do ?
Will appreciate All your experienced advice and opinions on this , thanks
Any NFT starts working for the buyer immediately after purchase. And it will act on you all the time, automatically. But you most likely will need to learn how to interact with this energy (to amplify or reduce its intensity)
To “work with NFT” means to study and evaluate the effectiveness of this energy interaction in different situations.
For example, many of us have a certain number of NFTs in our collections, but - many let them work in the background - they do not actively interact with a certain NFT and do not reveal its full potential. Perhaps in some cases such active interaction is not required. By the way, I myself do not actively work with some NFTs. For example, I carry the Fortuna NFT card with me in printed form, in my bag, and I let this card work behind me - not focusing on it
I would personally recommend that you print this image in a photo studio, and then laminate it. At first, actively interact with this energy visually (you can also set this image on your phone). In the future, I think active eye contact will not be necessary. You can easily connect and “feed” on this energy - just by visualizing the image mentally. This is an idea I picked up from this discussion on Instagram cards
Wolves are some of the most successful predators. I once studied the hierarchy in a wolf pack. The leader of the pack, who makes all the important decisions. He determines the habitat, the time of hunting, the hierarchical status of each member of the pack, organizes the protection of the territory. The leader has unlimited power, which he can use at his discretion. More often than not, the leader is quite friendly to all individuals in the pack, takes care of the growing generation, and often gives his or her piece of prey to the wolves during the hunger period…
it seems to me that this is a NFT for personal protection and for unlocking leadership potential. Try experimenting
Would love to have testimonials from you when you can. There is no real testimonial on this NFT available yet.
Aight guys , thanks , will set this as my phone screen and try to get as much image time with it as possible .
Oh another thing , when we buy the NFT ,we just get the image only , there isn’t any audio field accompanying purchase right ?
Mostly NFTs are usually images, sometimes you have mp3 field NFTs like Major Blueprint and Ambrosia, but most often these NFTs work like mandalas, like the picture itself is the field or if example you have a NFT like Viracocha the NFT is the connection to the Deity, so owning a NFT from a Deity is having access to the connection to the Deity
Ah okk, now I get it , thanks man