Discovering the Real Me

This field doesn’t just pull you out of the masks on whose behalf you communicate with society. It uncovers a deeper deception - self-deception. You don’t even realize that you are real - you are not really the one who is reading this text and thinking about something at this very second. All the while, you are the real you one step behind, silently observing all of this. Once in your early years you were told that you had to be so-and-so, and you pretended to be so-and-so. But at some point this role you were playing, an artificial personality, took over your entire inner dialog. And you believed definitively that all these thoughts were you. You have forgotten the real you.

If you take some situation where you are sure that the right thing to do is to do this and that, then after working with this field you may suddenly realize that you don’t want to do that. Surprise? Turns out you’re not as good/weak/sweet/evil/bad as you thought you were.

“No, that’s not me! It’s not like me!” - your Role will vehemently object. But if it’s not you, who is it? This is how your introduction to yourself will begin.

This process can turn your whole life upside down. It will be scary to start trusting, giving up control to whoever you discover inside of you. But the more often it happens, the more alive you will feel. And much more energetic, which is not surprising, because before you spent a tremendous amount of energy to maintain an artificial personality. And now all this energy is released and automatically begins to flow into the realization of your goals. Along with this will come new habits, new ideas, and a subtle, subtle feeling of unity with the world around you. It is similar to joy, to the feeling of flow, as if now you are doing everything right, and there is no more friction force - you are flying in the flow of life in harmony with everything around you.

Depending on how strong the shell of your false identity is, it may take some time for you to see stable results.


A very very useful Field. Folks you better get his one.


I already feel its energy

And by Gods how this all plays out

First it was PsyUni who released fields I needed here and now

Then Equilibrium

Then A Touch Of The Gods

Thank you for this gift! Will grab later this week definitely

No more masks


can’t wait to buy this


can this also remove all brainwash from society(school,company,TV,news etc…)?

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Is a secondary effect, because it will leave you in a state where, being the real you, you will not be affected by the outside. Would also make a good combo with Strengthen your Boundaries


would this remove other fields’ results(your fields and other creators’ fields)?
for example:

and other fields

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will i not a kinder and more patient anymore?

will I fear death again?

will I become weak again?

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It will not remove anything, you will only realize your true essence, but you will still have those layers that will help you cover and improve those aspects you want.

