Continuing the discussion from New Release - Soul Restoration (Heart Storage Center):
I am trying to place the core “spiritual” audios into a “big picture” or a sequence.
So we have:
- Vibration Series
- Chakra Series
- Alchemy Series
- Self-Realization Series
- Soul Restoration Series
- Higher Self (optional IMO)
- Schumann Resonance (optional)
With these, probably energy blockage removal, etheric cord removal etc. are not needed…
So I’m wondering, given so many of these audios, how do we structure/prioritise/personalise them for needs? Any suggestions for how we can group them?
- Jing / Chi / Shen
- Lower / Middle / Upper Dan Tien
- Physical / Emotional / Mental
- Desire / Form / Thoughts
Some questions could be discussed, like…
- Do you run through one series in one go?
- Do you just loop one single audio?
- Enhancing energy effects?
- Using Portals together with energy audios for more energy?
- Role of blockage/cord removals?
- How to use them to target specific aspects in life?
Just wanted to get the ball rolling, since the discussions were scattered throughout all the Audio threads and not very focused / all-in-one… 
I do and in my experience it helps
the series I tried are mental album, the miscellaneus playlist (when the audios weren’t expired) and the point of no return stack (with emotional release)
it helps to have a whole series as the results will be whole too
same as now that I am trying the whole soul restoration, feels more legit than only the core audio and helps the soul in all the ways possible.
You can do that too, did that with the subc limits and there was more resistance and working feeling alone than in a playlist looping
with the blockage I didn’t feel anything and stopped it, didn’t knew what was doing to me exactly.
The cord removal role is pretty simple you don’t need or have to keep going with a cord between you and a person that is “toxic” for you (nobody is toxic they are in the wrong relationships at wrong times, except the times when they are a-holes with everyone and everything) nor you have to keep going your life with cords to events that keep you back.I need to be free so I will if anyone wants to have cords and feel the way they feel it’s good for them.
For me personally to answer that I need to have a specific aspect to work not general things. But the thing I did once when I wanted to workout pretty much all day (with no workout audios) I did hear the energy audios like “for the skeptics” or chi or jing but I needed the physical also so I add the vitamin C-D,AMPK etc.
So my advice that works for all kind of aspects is that you “need” physical change too with the mental or spiritual. Being healthy will bring results faster while you working the body and the mind too.