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I wonder which field would be the closest in replicating this underwater hotel thing.


I don’t know :expressionless:

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the eternal nft?

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This one


Anyone knows if looping QI boosters has any effect?

I’m thinking of making a playlist and loop it, while I play fields on another device. I assume the booster field would boost the field being played at that time, and it wouldn’t really stack? Otherwise I don’t see anything bad in that either.

Except maybe overload but I never get overloaded :upside_down_face:

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I have to leave a review for this mega-giga-amazing creation :pray:

First time I was about to try it out and give it a few plays, I ended up getting so blissed out and looped it the entire afternoon. It was so good I couldn’t stop!! Felt like floating among golden clouds.

Today, one of the people I live with comes home talking on the phone and I got immediately triggered, as they came into my room it became apparent that something tagged along - its presence got me so disturbed I started shaking. I tell the person what’s up and they tell me ‘This woman I was just talking to, someone told me her mother practices black magic’… jeez!

I tried multiple SM audios of which De-Inhabiter audio worked the best, but there was still this unease in my throat, then I try this one and wow! First thing I hear, ‘forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing’, such loving compassion came through… And they swept the energy of us and space fully clean :slight_smile:


Do you mean listening to your playlist from one device and a booster from the other device?

The latest QI booster called “Interstellar Quantum Accelerator” I don’t recommend looping it for too long. I don’t feel overloaded in general either, but with that, yes, it really is strong.

On the other hand, I can loop 11th Power without problems, although they say that listening to it before and after your playlist is enough.


Hello :wave:
I’m working on creating a servitor and could use some advice on the approach and logistics of its powers.

Here’s the purpose I’ve outlined for the servitor: “Make me be perceived and treated as a celebrity.”

The powers of the servitor are:

  1. The ability to continually boost my self-confidence, self-love, and self-worth to achieve the purpose.
  2. The ability to program my subconscious mind with beliefs and habits that help achieve the purpose.
  3. The ability to eliminate any negative or limiting beliefs that, directly or indirectly, prevent achieving the purpose.
  4. The ability to provide any resources (like energy, information, knowledge, protection, etc.) necessary to achieve the purpose.
  5. The ability to heal and balance any of my systems (like chakras, aura, meridians, subtle bodies) that contribute to achieving the purpose.
  6. The ability to modify my aura to help achieve the purpose.
  7. The ability to influence people’s perceptions to achieve the purpose.
  8. The ability to learn, acquire, or add any other powers needed to achieve the purpose more effectively and efficiently.

These powers look good on paper, but I’m not sure how realistic they are. For instance, Power 5: Healing and balancing might be needed for everyone, and the servitor could identify what needs to be done to help with the purpose. But could this take so long that the servitor never realizes the purpose? Should I rephrase it as a secondary priority, or remove it to allow the servitor to focus on other tasks?

Most of the powers are centered on me. Power 7 seems ideal to include, but I’m unsure how achievable it is. I’ve used other tools from creators that successfully influence others, but how can I do this ethically without interfering with free will or being invasive?

Maybe I should detail the power with specific boundaries, like this:

  1. The ability to influence people’s perceptions to achieve the purpose, ensuring the person’s free will is not violated and respecting their physical, mental, and emotional state. Not influencing anyone under eighteen years old, over sixty years old, or anyone who is ill, exhausted, tired, or under a mental, emotional, or psychological burden.

This could be improved, but maybe it’s better to delete it altogether since it’s unexpected and resource-intensive.

My concerns are:

  • Are there too many powers? (Can the servitor handle them all?)
  • Are the powers realistic? (e.g., concern about Power 5, which could be a servitor’s entire purpose on its own)
  • Is the overall approach workable, or should I take a different approach? (e.g., give the servitor one or two general powers and let it handle things over time)
  • Is there something critical I’m missing that could cause the servitor to fail?

I’ve also written a safety clause to ensure the servitor doesn’t overwhelm or tire my systems (nervous, chakra, meridians, energy) or cause mental or emotional strain.

I’m not using Captain’s servitors for personal reasons (experimenting, learning to create from scratch).

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Highly dangerous!

Has anyone heard of FK Subs(aka Kabus, Wrath), and know anything about whether he is legit or not?

I have heard some rumors of him imbuing dark energy in his energy videos, and a lot of it seems iffy to me.


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Hi @destinedpika
Welcome Rose Teacup

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Has anyone had experience with this? :brain::eyes:


best to steer clear

what are your goals? i’m sure sapien will have something for it


Would this work with sapiens fields? I would love your experience from this product.

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I just got the notification, haven’t tried it yet :)


Can someone who knows the contact e-mail of the Morpheus fields tell me?

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It should be morpheusfield@gmail.com… I wrote to her two different times but she didn’t answer. Don’t know why :slightly_frowning_face:


@Cabbafior @JophieL33 Morpheus replies on Patreon.


My friends, I bought morpheus fields on Gumroad. There are pictures of some field. If I print these pictures and carry them in my wallet, will they have a mandala-like effect? Will I get the same effect if I carry visuals with me instead of listening to sounds?

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