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Nope, he is not safe

This is a discussion thread only, not a sales thread for other creators

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sure. i’ve been using it for a while. no problems at all.

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Anyone still using Binaural Nutrition?

ok the one on youtube by Jake Blake is absoloutley bat shit insanely strong lol

felt so breathless after 1 listen and i just felt like i wanted to run 100 miles and do loads of push ups .

is there any benefits to listening to this 1 if i have charisma potions? what even is the benefits of androstenol except for confidence as i already have that in abundance ?

Is there a downside to having too many pheronomes? I have a few nfts and fields that produce these :skull_and_crossbones:

butt the one on youtube feels really good and powerful lol, almost like a drug

stacked it with JAAJs manly stack and wow :open_mouth:


what is your experience with unconditional Andres tonal and reaction wise from others?

I tried it again. Nothing positive in results.

To be clear, using a couple of the fat burner ones.

For me, in the past, it was always very effective and quick…

Gonna try some again, got some physical sensations from it already

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Indeed. Thank you for the recommendation.
Has anyone tried high IQ, QPS, and ultra clear visualization mandalas? Care to share your experience? Thanks in advance.

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Apparently according to Freedom(not this forum’s Freedom), there is a problem with having too much pheromones

It’s frustrating how some people resort to spreading negativity and tarnishing the reputation of content creators. Support those who inspire and uplift you, and always follow your heart, ignoring the detractors.

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There is always a problem with having something too much, being out of balance

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It is not too much to have, it is clearly a scarcity mind set. People operate from a scarcity mindset. And attack those who operate on abundance mindset. It’s a paradox.


Is Artemis Fields and Healing safe? Some of their morphic fields seem interesting tbh


Can anyone recommend a good stack, playlist or creators for purely aesthetic purposes? Like male beauty that also integrates testosterone, hair and attraction?

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I am really drawn to their concepts for gut healing and nutrient drinks, I am wondering if anyone tried those and got any results, I tried a few times did not feel much.

Hmm wanted to create an overview, but the thread is too big :stuck_out_tongue: (working with free AI programs :laughing:)


Mmm i don’t understand if Morpheus Fields works

Well, 2 y ago, it seemed to work for me. But stopped using his bcs he seems to me overly activistic.


Well it’s interesting i had in the past some successes with Morpheus Fields (mostly the physical fields). The fields and the content are as such interesting, but you have to choose at a point where you tend to put your energy in. I do sometimes return to Programmed Intention his older creations because they are stackable and I can feel the effect if I open up multiple webbrowsers and loop the fields.