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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: New Disputes Thread (Posts Removed Weekly)

It’s a free World you choose what you want and others choose what thy want …
All this screaming tell me!! Tell me honey , sugar sweetie is like dud you like it do it.
Nobody truly doesn’t need to prove anything to you .
You do you, let others do what thy feel is good for them
Simple :trident::tulip:


Yeah, like Captain definitely cannot do that as well…

Except he does:

Check Zen nourishment thread.

Good then. You made up your mind, you made your conclusion, you obviously know better. So what’s the point in discussion? “I must turn them as well.”?

Odd that no one has any real answers to a thought-provoking question that deserves to be approached logically and objectively. The core issue here isn’t about loyalty to one creator but understanding the mechanisms behind why different creators’ fields might work differently for different people.

First, subjective experience plays a significant role. Me and other people I know have faster results with Morpheus Fields versus Sapien Medicine. This could be due to personal alignment with the energy, intention, or even subconscious receptivity to a particular creator’s methodology. The same way people resonate with different diets or therapies, energy fields may also work more efficiently depending on individual preferences and energetic compatibility.

Secondly, it’s possible that Morpheus Fields and Sapien Medicine employ different methodologies or energetic frameworks. Morpheus claims that “one listen creates permanent change,” which suggests a different design philosophy. Sapien, on the other hand, may prioritize gradual, long-term transformation with lower risks of overstimulation or negative side effects. In that sense, Sapien’s approach could be viewed as a safeguard against overwhelming the energy body or mind, especially for those not attuned to rapid energetic shifts. However, sapien has given me side effects and Morph has not.

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Sapien’s decision to avoid intensely fast results might actually reflect an understanding of energy dynamics—rapid changes might feel effective, but they may also be temporary or leave imbalances. Sometimes slow and steady progress is more sustainable in the long term. The absence of instant “feeling” in Sapien’s fields doesn’t negate effectiveness; in fact, subtle energetic changes often integrate more deeply over time without dramatic side effects.

Lastly, the scientific angle. Different creators may be tapping into various forms of energy work (quantum, morphic, biofields, etc.), and it’s plausible that Morpheus and Sapien utilize distinct processes. If Morpheus’ fields genuinely make changes more permanent after one listen, the mechanism might involve deeper energetic coding that interacts more directly with the subconscious or morphogenetic fields. This would indeed make it “feel stronger,” but it also could explain why some might experience side effects, as a faster integration can be more intense for some people.

The apparent difference in results could come down to multiple factors—personal energetic alignment, the specific techniques used by each creator, and how these fields interact with the user’s energy body. Neither approach is inherently better or worse; it depends on what resonates most with the individual.


I don’t know about you, but I started with Sapien and i’ll end with Sapien! :muscle:


Engaging in a genuine inquiry. They’re simply trying to understand why certain fields work differently for different people, especially when there’s such a noticeable contrast in results between two creators.

In any community, questioning and comparing experiences can lead to greater understanding, not just for oneself but for others who might be facing similar dilemmas. It’s not about forcing anyone to prove anything; it’s about seeking knowledge and sharing perspectives to help everyone make more informed choices.

After all, curiosity and discussion are how people grow and discover what truly resonates with them. So, it’s not about proving or discrediting—it’s about exploring possibilities together.


It feels like you’re getting defensive, but that’s not my intention at all. I’m genuinely seeking answers because I want to understand the differences better, not to “turn” anyone to a different creator. By gaining a deeper understanding, I believe I can use any field more effectively, including Sapien’s.

For example, Sapien rarely does fields where “one listen is permanent,” which could explain the difference in results I’m noticing. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a reason behind this approach, not to undermine anyone’s work, but to see how I can maximize the benefits from both creators. My goal is to learn and improve, not to discredit.

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But it’s also true that other creators, like Morpheus, might be using different methods or techniques that resonate more effectively for certain people. The goal isn’t to discredit anyone but to explore why these differences exist and how they can be used to help people get the best results, depending on what works for them individually.

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I’m reading your words but only what I hear is you screaming heeey ya all I like this creator and let me tell you all way this other is not good.

And yes it may be for you is like that but is not for others .
I use Morpheus filed a lot and didn’t have any fast permanent results at all .
And truly I did use dayli for 6 months, literally nothing no results. I put effort to see if will work for me I have my experience and didn’t…
I use Sapien files and thy help me a lot , so no brainer actually.
You have different experience so again no brainer at all just use what is good for you .
Nobody here tells you Ohh no don’t do it !!

So you see we all are different for you is working for many is not working.
Generally people stay there where thy feel something good is happening for them .
I’m Shure we all are not some idiots whom will spend are money if we don’t gain something back .
We are not all the same .

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This forum is full of examples where Sapien’s fields are constantly pushed on people, and it often seems to revolve around paid content—like “pay more, spend more.” Meanwhile, other creators are offering free fields that work faster and without the side effects. It feels like there’s a constant push toward spending, while alternatives are out there delivering results at no cost.

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Not surprised you’ve put yet another paid one here

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Also the same, before I came here I was spamming Morpheus and did not see almost anything.

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Wow defensive bunch here :)
I hear you, and I totally agree that results can vary from person to person. I’m not trying to discredit anyone or say one creator is absolutely better than the other. My personal experience with Morpheus Fields has been much faster and more noticeable compared to Sapien’s fields, which is why I’m curious about the differences.

It’s not about saying “this one is bad and that one is good”—it’s about understanding why something works for one person and not for another. If we can figure that out, it can help everyone tailor their choices better, whether they stick with Sapien or explore other creators. Everyone’s experience is valid, and I’m just sharing mine to see if there’s a deeper reason behind the differences.

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I’m just saying Sapien works for me and if it doesn’t for you, then you have a free choice if you want to use what the other respectful creators have for offer :slight_smile:

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Other creators offer free fields that work faster than Sapien’s and with no side effects, yet in almost every discussion on this forum, the crew keeps advising people to buy more and more paid fields. For every problem, there’s always a paid solution being recommended. How come it’s never a free field being suggested? It’s hardly ever the case.

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No-one seems to have even one logical answer. not one. My main curiosity is understanding the differences in how these fields work, especially since I’ve had faster results with other creators. It’s less about loyalty and more about trying to figure out the science or logic behind why different methods seem to produce different outcomes for different people. I believe that understanding this better can help everyone make more informed choices, whether they stick with Sapien or explore alternatives.

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Free fields aren’t always recommended, but then paid fields aren’t always recommended either. Some people have created free stacks which you can use to achieve something similar. That isn’t the case always as you know, the shit you pay for is usually a lot better than free stuff in everything in life

I get what you’re saying, and it’s true that sometimes paid products can offer more refined or advanced solutions. But from my experience, that doesn’t always hold up in the case of fields. I’ve found free fields from other creators that have worked faster and more effectively for me than some of the paid ones from Sapien.

It’s not necessarily about “free vs. paid” being better or worse; it’s about what resonates with each individual. In some cases, free options can provide great results without the financial commitment. Ultimately, it’s about finding what works best, regardless of the price tag.

Also in this forum, they keep suggesting Sapien’s paid fields for various issues. Odd.

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I asked for help for a lot of things with different topics, and people here kept advising me to BUY MORE. including Rosechalice and many others. That’s pretty telling in itself. !

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