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Skin Credible Glow Up by Quadible Integrity.
On Youtube.


Thanks!! 🫶🏻


That was the end. From now on I’ll really just loyal to dream fields. My higher self says “just dream fields”. But I keep making the same mistake and getting pulled into the interesting fields of other creators. I need to put an end to this now and move on to the Council of the Elite. and I’m keeping this topic quiet forever.


Also, what I noticed in my adventures with other creators and what everyone should know is that most creators cannot separate their own mindset and energy from the consciousness of their fields. Therefore, they keep a part of their own mindset and being in their fields. And when we listen to any dream morphic field, we try to change everything that is added to us from the mindset and being of other creators from the beginning every time. And this slows down the results we expect from morphic fields.So most of the changes you want conflict with the mindset and existence of other creators. As a result, Dream can keep their own being separate from morphic fields. In other words, if we are only exposed to dream fields, our change will be faster and cleaner since we will be in the original pure morphic fields. But at the same time, if we add the mind and being of other creators to our own being, a difficult change will start from the beginning every time we repeat the morphic fields. I hope I could explain it to you. Sorry for my simple English, I’m learning.


Well said ! You are right, it’s not easy for creators to be in that detached mindset.

That’s why I always say Dream lives on another level.

Thanks for sharing ur perspective.


Thanks a lot. Am i right that there are many fields from PU not available anymore?

I wanted to create the Stage 1 best Stack, but i only found 5 out of 10 fields and two of them have a similar, but different name. So there are only three fields that are available for sure…

Edit: Nevermind, a lot is on Patreon, except Consciousness Repair and Expansion.


@rpd14 In your situation, I wouldn’t mess around with other creators too much. Slade isn’t for everyone. But if you trust her already, I keep quiet.

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Now that you talked about it. It’s not that I trust her. But I used her very few times and last time I used solved problems and I had more problems and issues in life… why? Do you know something about this creator? I keep thinking because she solved others problems but for me it keeps making things worse but I always felt like it was a me issue

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@Drift i’d like to know too! i don’t use her subs with witchcraft but about the others i don’t know how to feel

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Guys, feel free to disregard anything I said. I don’t use her audios nor know much about them. They were suggested here. I took a look and didn’t like it. Or maybe I didn’t like her vibe. Didn’t probe any further.

It would be kind of obvious to stop if it creates more problems…

I don’t know much about what she does. Works with spirits and witchcraft. That much I know. She herself seems to have plenty of problems, even with her followers. Now…I don’t just believe rumours. But there are simply many off things around her.

I don’t like the way she approaches things either. I remember she created a spell to use anger as power. That’s fine and all. Most people won’t handle it well. And the way to do that, what it resonates with, is with demons. I don’t know of any angel that helps to use anger as power. Those that see any power in it, are usually on…resonances I don’t like.

So that’s why. Her content, the intentions and motives within it, are questionable. As for her ways…can only imagine are questionable too.

I’d use some of her audios if I could even bring myself to it, but I feel a strong rejection of them. And I’d use them to solve a problem, knowing I’m gonna sacrifice something for it…that was my intuition, and it seems to be the case, as it solved a problem for you but caused others.

So I’d be very strategic to use her audios. Using drugs to get what you want imo is safer than using questionable fields…so that’s enough for me to decide.

Also, at the very least, I’m sure her stuff is very “direct” and aggressive so that could also be creating the problems. You get results, but your energy body gets wrecked.

Something similar happens to me with SZ, but only with one field. So rather than the aggresiveness of the energy, it is the way it works. But those fields that are too “direct” and don’t allow you to change, but rather force it, almost always have a rebound effect.


thank you!

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btw do you have any experience with moza morph too? not like to test it but i’m questioning my gut feelings about creators :sweat_smile: :sleepy:
and i’m not comfortable with the other platforms like reddit! i’m trying my best to only stick with Dream and PU but not always i can manage to do it until i get a proper job you know
if you don’t feel like to write a reply (for any reason) it’s completely fine

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No idea about them. Never looked.

So…do you get great results with subliminals, you prefer them for any reason?

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thank you for the reply :slight_smile:

i’ve had some success but maybe that’s about the feeling too like the placebo side of it? unlike the fields i feel like it’s hard to tell if they’re(subliminals) really working on their own and with that being said it’s not a preference for me at all but more like a “no other option at the moment “ thing
i really do overthink about their effectiveness and safety

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Been a while since I’ve posted here but I just want to reiterate my current perception of energy creators.

The only creators I trust and use are Sapien, spirituality zone, Maitreya Fields, Quadible Integrity and Programmed Intention. I’ve gotten results from all of them in some form or another. I don’t really feel drawn towards anyone else, and try not to experiment too much. Though your mileage may vary.


Hey guys, wondering if someone can explain to me what the creator’s project and phantom power are as fundamental forces? Been listening to Ewfae lately and seen that they’re the only ones using this combined focus for energy programming!

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I am feeling overwhelmed from listening to Spirituality Zone audio. I have limited how much I listen so
I am hoping it is purging that I am experiencing and hope that it will go away when the purging is over.
Has anyone experienced mitigation of tensity after continuing listening to specific SZ audio?
Did you feel like a new person?

My phone literally broke after playing one of his audios for a while. Forgot which audio but it was supposed to be powerful and in a way it was. The phone was still new. I was so excited about getting to know a supposedly powerful audio and I was using that phone only to listen to that audio, it had no reception.
I don’t know how the audio worked on myself though.

You are all effing up your energy systems and yourselves because you are not listening…

Over the years of being here on the forum, I have seen many users come and go because they went crazy and/or became complete train wrecks – all because they were constantly using all the shady, unsafe and unsavory stuff.

It was not “the matrix” attacking them and it was not “the ascension detox” that stopped their progress.
They fucked up themselves with the wrong tools on a physical, emotional, mental, energetic, etheric and subconscious level.


How are we able to do a proper research? I would really hope there are ways to do a research. Isn’t asking on this kind of forum for other people’s opinions one way? Or perhaps the only way.