Discussion for other Creator Channels

I played Job Success to get my job, but I also play it during work to enhance my work performance.

I leave it on loop the entirety of my work period and I find it greatly increases my focus on tasks.

I also manifest really good interactions with my colleagues/superiors.

I’ve also started using Love/Attraction for several hours for clearing. I used to use 1 or 2 instances of the XS
version 20-30 mins before going out for that boost, but I feel that many of the things it works on may need some additional clearing for me as well.


This got me thinking of how I can script this file to play on repeat at system startup, and if there was any way I could hide that this was happening so that I could push it out to the whole department at work.


EDIT: Figured it out. AWESOME


Man, now I really wish Sapien had audios that were silent.


Yeah im really only able to play the silent covid audio at work as everything else is too noticeable to play and it wouldn’t make sense in my work environment to have music playing.

I’m planning to start with the multidimensional shield looped at work starting today!

It feels like the best option to not influence others too drastically without their knowledge and consent.


Quien es PI?

PI is short for Programmed Intention, the creator we’re talking about. He’s got a YouTube page, sells audios on Gumroad, and has a Patreon as well.

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Thanks my friend!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:

PI Users

Just to check… PI has the silent audio and the jpeg mandala. .

Is it have to listen to the audio or print the mandala , stack it and keep it with u is good enought.

or its mandotory to listen to his 10min silent audio.

Enlighten me please…

You can do either, it’s the same energy either way. At least, that’s how I understand it.

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You probably could open his audios in Audacity and silence them and they shouldn’t lose their effectiveness. But can’t be sure.

Can anyone please advise me some audios for personal statements. I need sign to them in, the latest is December. I have already submitted two personal statements twice however with lot of errors and don’t understand how I should show myself as the best possible candidate or the details I should include.


Hello @Ashpoet you may try these two audios , one of which I have used myself and find it really effective

1)Programmed Intention - Manifest an easier life

2)Programmed Intention - Road Opener (one of my fav PI audios)


Hello everyone, I hope you feel very well as well as your families, I understand that here there are several who are having certain experiences with this creator of mandalas / audios, however I would like to ask if any of the studies have had comparative experiences regarding their Free mandalas / adudios and those that are paid in Gumroad, I will appreciate any review about it. Thank you very much beautiful community.

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The “free audios” would be the ones he’s posted to his YouTube channel, which are the exact same files as the ‘standard strength’ ones on his Gumroad & Patreon pages. The ‘extra strength’ audios are on Gumroad only, and are about 10x as strong if I’m remembering everything correctly.


Thanks my friend, you are very kind! A hug!!


I think I’ve read something about the Patreon version being like 2-3 times stronger as they’re the original files compared to the compressed version on Youtube.


I haven’t found YouTube video compression to affect the energy much at all. The ones I put on YouTube are as strong as the original mp3’s/WAVs. But that’s for me. PI could be different. When it converts, energy is copied as it is. I haven’t found compression to affect it much, if at all.


I don’t know what to say about my experiences but I’ve had challenges in my life using certain audios from programmed intention. It seems like it’s burning out my karma but also I can’t say it’s all coming from these audios. I also used the Curse removal audio and it definitely released the curse because I had a lot of challenges show up in life. It’s turned out all super smooth afterward in the end after I pushed forward and observe without attaching to the outcome. I won’t be using programmed intention anymore unless I’d like to experiment again. I’m just a little concerned because it seems to add more challenges in my life. Maybe it’s burning out the bad karma or something but I wouldn’t want to keep going through this at the moment.


I’m using the brain enhancement and natural male enhancement from YT and they are pretty good.


Maybe you were purging some bad energy within you that made it seem like you had challenges show up in your life. I’m not very energy sensitive or anything, but I always run over 10 XS audios at the same time and I never had any sort of bad things or challenges show up in my life.