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QI addresses the slander against them:

So this actually clears up a lot of misconceptions.

Firstly, this confirms that Frequency Wizard, Subliminal Warlock and QI are indeed NOT the same people and are not affiliated in any way.

Secondly, I guess QI actually doesn’t even use any subliminals or affirmations in their audios. So they probably shouldn’t be considered a “subliminal maker” as their work is of an entirely different nature and is as related to subliminals as Sapien’s audios are. This would also explain why QI would be one of the most potent “sub makers” and second in effectiveness only to Sapien…because they aren’t subliminals.


THANK YOU! I knew I read this, and I searched and searched trying to find it so I could post it here, but I wasn’t successful.

Quadible Integrity are good people, and their stuff works.


Which of their audios worked for you?

All of them

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I just checked my QI download folder, it’s got 91 files in it. LOL

I use many of their audios. The nose and facial symmetry ones were very effective for me, the Runanubandha audio is surprisingly effective (and also unique, haven’t seen anything like it elsewhere). Martian meteorite audio was amazing, even if a bit hard to describe. Angel Number 444 was very moving and emotionally healing.

Basically, what Josh said, all of their audios are amazing.


Nice! Do you use the paid stuff from their website?

I bought 2 of their audios from the website, but only because I couldn’t find them on their YouTube channel. The rest I downloaded from YouTube.

But, I’m also energy sensitive enough that I don’t need the stronger attunements for their audios to be effective for me.

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How does the nose one work tho…?

Is it raw concept being exercised…?

Entity invocation that helps…?

QI works with “alien” energies, maybe intercession-ish…?

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I heard they do do that. I even saw it in a description of the channel or their videos where they listed what exact techniques are used to create audios. It said something roughly along the lines of “Meditation with other-dimensional entities” or something like that. I really wish i could find the original text

It’s hard to know, honestly, since they take a multi-disciplinary approach and are vague in describing their modalities. I’ve seen some of their video descriptions say morphic fields are included (the Weight Loss one for example).

Also, lots of crystal energies, and what feels like high spiritual, crown chakra stuff and lots of love-based, heart chakra stuff. I really wish I understood their work better, but I try to stay content with the knowledge that it’s working for me.

Many of Sapien’s fields are the same, especially the dogtags. There’s lots of subfields in those things that I’m not even aware of, even if I’d sure like to know what they are. Still, the tags work, and I’m grateful that they’re accessible.


Quadible Integrity just released a new video, looks to be another game changer! (lol)

{GAME CHANGER!} ★Super Session Capacity Extender (Multi-Formula Igniter) ★More Formulas MORE RESULTS

Video Description

Today we are super excited to introduce to you another amazing formula that we know you will love! This formula took a while to create due to so many labyrinthine attributes while waiting upon divine timing.

Today we introduce Super Session Capacity Extender (Multi-Formula Igniter). We receive thousands of messages and emails on a daily basis in which many individuals are always asking “ how many formulas can they listen to in a day”? Is there a maximum to how many we can listen to? Can we listen to formulas at the same time.

We totally understand that sometimes 24 hours in a day is not enough for all the goals and desires that we may have in general. Many individuals reported to listening over 30 different audios in one single day containing various topics.

Can this hinder results?

Well it all depends on many things as this will vary from person to person. Some people can do this without a problem and get great results while others not so much.

The results you get by listening to many sessions from different topics depend on many underlying reasons. It can actually slow down results if you do not have the capacity to absorb so many audios in a day. Its almost like over-training a muscle per say.

Some individuals “over-train” and May still see results while others over-train and may see slow results or none at all due to the current capacity state.

Others can feel overwhelmed, mentally fatigued , nightmares and even develop headaches. This can be due to listening to too many different audios in one day and even listening to a high number of different channels since you are absorbing so many different types of audios.

We recommend using our ★Frequency - Subliminal BREAK : RECHARGER★ when things like this happen. Click link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xiej…

This next level Quadified formula allows you to go beyond your current capacity of audio listening absorption rates, allowing you to expand your limits and reach higher levels of audio sessions in a day. Its similar to a Wi-Fi extender in a sense that it allows you to reach stronger and farther outputs extending beyond the normal range.

This will allow you to create super sessions as it is a multi-formula igniter even allowing you to play different sessions in one listen thus giving you the opportunity to listen to more sessions in a day while providing faster results.

You can use this with any formulas including formulas from other channels as it also has protective attributes for this specific purpose.

You can listen to this as much as you desire since it will only benefit you as it continues to extend your multi-session capacity range!



Aha! i finally found the description I was looking for after doing some internet detective work:

Each formula holds unique attributes and are all personally concocted and prepared by Quadible Integrity using various Universal Subliminal Languages, powerful intentional programming techniques, Planetary influences, meditational gatherings with higher beings, metaphysical properties from various herbs, from astrological understanding, Sun, Moon & Earth Energy, quantum modulation, nature, incense, loving energy, chants, binaural beats, iso-chronic tones, hypnosis, including vibrational energy from crystals, gemstones and birthstones and various undisclosed and extremely unique methods all concocted at specific astrological synchronicity time frames and locations to generate a powerful concoction designed to help each native in benefiting

so that is everything in a Quadible Integrity audio. @MasterOfYellow @Samurai


There are a lot of “super secret techniques” that each Subliminal maker and probably even dreamweaver have, and it’s mainly part of their gimmick. Whatever Quadible is keeping secret is most likely something mundane, but attention is called to it to make people think that QI is holding some secret ultra-powerful asset that gives them an edge and lets them give better results in audios. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, but i personally think it’s a marketing stunt, like a “Krabby Patty Secret Formula” type of thing


““I just checked my QI download folder, it’s got 91 files in it. LOL””

wait a minute my friend…how did you download their stuff (via YouTube premium or?) and does it even work when downloaded? In which file to download it if it still works for you as download?

I have found their newly release today and it very good, would like to have it, so I am asking

Yeah, I read that and I say pass. I tend to stick only with Dream because my rational mind understands what is going on (to an extent) with Sapien fields. When it is a kitchen sink of so many things, makes me apprehensive.


I use this and download the WEBM audio in highest bit-rate available:

Online Video Downloader


Has anyone ever been able to change their eye color using Quadible’s audios? I really do wonder. Thank you.

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I mean same question, has anyone ever been able to change their eye color period? With any field, subliminal, meditation?


I used the blue eyes one from QI, and although my eyes are already blue-ish, they were definitely lighter afterwards.