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Thank you, I would like to know more about catalyst hope so this group will give me my answers for achieving goals
I mean I have it but I don’t know anything

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Can you tell me how these tags worked for you ?! Are they powerful and effective ?! Thank you very much for all the answers and information already provided so far. @adm @Ugninis


Does it work if I set it as background and then turn off my mobile screen? Or it should be always opened?


I bought a Catalist, and used it for a long time at my work. It gives additional energy, a desire to do the job efficiently, gives arrogance and perseverance. But it drains by the end of the working day (there is a lot of energy in the body, but the body gets tired).


These mandalas contain great energy, they will help improve your health and develop great strength, thanks to them you can change yourself and your life.


Thanks I got ordinary mandala and strong one with whole package, I don’t know when I should use which one, I am afraid strong one would exhauste me

you can set them in the background and turn off the screen :)


each mandala acts differently. and each mandala acts differently. and each of them performs its function stated in the description (for me) :)


And can I only use mandalas except audios, will I get same good results or I should use audios

The main product of this company is the mandala, in addition to enhancing the effect, audio or video is used, depending on the app.

I personally used graphic mandalas (almost never used audio and video). and got great results


Thank you for all answers , so much is cleared
And question for those who have Catalyst
When you use strong one version and when you use ordinary one, in which occasions?
I think I will now use only ordinary one

start with a graphic mandala until your biofield gets used to it. try using the enhanced version later (audio / video)

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We are all different, it all depends on you ourselves, for example, you first use a strong version, if something goes wrong you think, switch to a weaker version. (Core - High)


I always used graphic mandalas in the strong version (main). I did not use the MILD version


absolutely yes. listen to yourself

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And we can use it as lock screen also right ? and we will have same good results ? or it’s better to be background of phone rather than lock screen… sorry guys for so many questions I am just new and dumb to all these but I love this product somehow
And I am using one Sapien Medicine mandala also so I ask

asking questions is normal and correct :) install the background on the desktop, install the background on a locked screen and that will be enough. also install (or keep it open) on your work computer


they transmit energy through the electromagnetic field of your device. the main thing is that they are open or installed as a background. it doesn’t matter if the phone is in sleep mode.


Do you have any experiences with them regarding spiritual awakening and increasing the IQ ?! How many weeks for concrete results ?! @O.O @Ugninis @adm