Lynne Mctaggart - (The Field) The Quest For The Secret Force OF The Universe
Yes… but i never get paranoid what’s going on cuz I hear a sound… that silent thing is hard to connect with for me. I need a lil distraction through the instruméntal or a point of focus via my ears… no sapien jams are completely silent with just tune btw. But this Sigh guy posts the unimaginable and claims silent… if my intuition leads me, I’ll try Sigh… till then tho, I’ll keep reading people’s post on these other creators. I just know it’s hard to be consistent with a silent sound, maybe I’ll start practicing meditation with such, so even if maybe it doesn’t work… at least I’ve learned meditation as time goes by
Covid is not silent. There is still a tone… turn ur volume all the way up
Sapien doesn’t have any completely silent sound file
Yes, but you just need to be consistent with, like they said don’t fail a day, just play or loop, nevertheless it has protection of overusing according to creator
And no I am not paid, if everyone ask
they are even lazy to respond me on email or to anyone else. Actually they are never responding.
You can check for yourself if you wish.
Those who said that we are paid are just manipulative for some their unknown purpose idk
Hahaha same this has been entertaining while sipping my coffee this morning
I don’t have any, hence my Rokuposting.
I really should just let this whole samurai thing die lol
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Maybe you should, I don’t think we will
But have to save if for special occasions
Lol if he isnt then hes got work to do because imagine one having very similar vibe energy and traits of someone some people dislike…
Samurai always had 2 sides of him, the one that cussed off every other word just to say something simple with wanna be ninja attitude and the one where he didnt cuss but still came across strong, spamming posts with chitchat, using the same emojis and saying decent things here and there even if sometimes those things didnt make sense and defending Sapien with a very “apparent” loyalty.
Talking about IPF and otherworldly powers and muscles etc…
THAT is the one that you exude 100% sorry Too many similarities. The energy. Specially the energy so if you arent then take this as a chance to check that in you or just suck it up for ever because at least to me, youll always be him. Specially when i know he loves building up profiles and characters and he believes in them as real, tho he always says those are just characters he uses so who would believe the 2 or 3 profiles you have on here and Samurai arent the same?
This is the last thing id say.
I agree with Luna 100%
You all can say we are delusional or whatever, but he has so much Samurai vibe in all his posts, in his attitude, even in his beliefs
The first time I encountered with him regarding some Lucifer post, I felt that immediately
That attitude, that badass vibe like "f* you all, I am the greatest lol and others stuff
He may not be Samurai but he is like he belongs to his gang or like he is his “sweet” child lol
Did you maybe visit often become living god forum… maybe that’s why you have that vibe idk
there is a sapien med discord ?
Just imagine how dumb this all is if I happen to not be Samurai.
Yes, search on forum “discord” and youll find.
Its unofficial.
thank you friend !
Honestly dude, it amuses me more than anything.
I can definitely vouch that @anon98607113 is not samurai lol, we were on the social anxiety zoom link one time where there was like only 4 of us although he went by a different name then idk if u the same, I think you are loool
I’m the dude with the deep voice.
ayyeee then yeah even sammyg confirmed that in zoom
Yup. That’s me.
That was a fun call lmao, much better than the last one where I spent TWO HOURS waiting for my food that never arrived