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I see. Thank you

how it going now did u end up using there fields?

did u end up using the field.

have u seen great results with maitreya fields


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Have you tried maitreya fields?


did u get good results?

Stick to Sapien noone is as good as him


Me too. Sigh seems to work amazingly good. Much more stronger and faster than Sapien in my case. I will try it for a longer time and report again.

Btw you can use it at the same time with your Sapien playlist. Sigh said this…


Where did you found this? Are there more experiences and so on?


Look what Quadible is going to be releasing

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Wonder what it is

guys quadible is really nothing compared to sapien. The only one I have doubt for is Sigh Silent Energy

Yeah they are not on same level, but quad is realy great. Better than most of this new copy channels…
This sigh, its just doesn’t feel right. Put bunch of videos every day with Extreme Powerful spamming. Selling for 1000 dollars, making PHYSYLOGICAL immposible claims like getting 30 grams of vitamines, protein per listen etc etc.

I know. It seems too great. Yet it’s really powerfully programmed. I’m just waiting for other psychics to say if it’s safe or not. One said there was negative energy, but one person saying that isn’t enough


Most just bullshit, listen yourself. Don’t listen everyone on internet, test it yourself … I can tell you (honestly :slight_smile:) i used sigh for about month and nothing. With sapien i get result so…

None of those on YT compare to Sapien; having said that I believe that QI is legit, like Spiritual Zen.

spaien is amazing but doent have some of the stuff other creators are doing which is not a bad thing as spaien does more medical

All the comparisons is not even worth it… go with what u vibing with, comparing different creators does little to convince anyone what to listen at the end of the day, cuz everyone’s energy systems will feel em uniquely. Lol