Discussion for other Creator Channels

nice keep at it


hello friends, in my search for information on power tools I found this in a forum:
Someone has tried? any review of your products or the author? some could be fine to complement with audios but what it sells seems too good to be true, if someone can share an experience it would help me define the purchase, thanks :slight_smile: :smiley: thanks!

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Not sure if this is the right category to post in, but I know Ascension Archangel (creator of binaural beats) has gotten negative feedback on this forum in terms of his views on stuff, which I must admit are questionable. But is his work -necessarily- harmful? has anyone else used his stuff? Thoughts/opinions?

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There’s a thread for Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube. Maybe there’s information there for you?

@moderators, if you think this thread should be added to that one, would you please work your magic? Thank you!


I didn’t find anything significant there, except for what one person said, BUT if it’s best that this question is merged with that thread, I don’t mind. I just didn’t know I was supposed to post there.

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i dont think there is anything else.
unless rumors are being spread.
but you have the whole forum to search.


You can see way up above in this thread I believe, someone setting me straight on the dangers of AA. And I agreed with them, basically. His channel was weird. That’s an understatement. It made me feel better at the time; when I used it. But that could be a statement on how bad I felt at the time in the first place. His shield spell, whatever it was, made me feel better. Maybe it was just in my head. But then it didn’t make me have thoughts of murder. Which… someone… else’s channel did. What was it? Trying to remember. Mind power? Yeah I think that was it.

AA was again, just weird, kind of laughable. But did comfort me in a hard time. And there are some warnings on him up here somewhere that may be warranted.

Oh ok, I found it. This is comedy gold.

I remember thinking this was the cheesiest thing when I listened to it. But it did make me feel better about some pretty awful stuff, years back. You can hear this little voice in your earbuds “Spell won’t work at all” Over and over. I don’t know if anything can get more hilarious than that. Like that’s the secret to the truly powerful morphic fields. We could make more of our own.

Hair grows super tall
hair grows super tall

my biceps punch through a wall…

Ok. Anyways. But a funny thought, on the other hand, is that this kind of was the basic premise behind the possibly first self-help mind-over-matter kind of book I ever read. An old book I picked up long ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Neville. This was written before any sub had been recorded to public knowledge at least. The gist of it was that your subconscious mind could do anything but the way to get it to do so was to simply repeat your intention to yourself tens of times per day.

Sounds too basic for us now. But I don’t knock the old stuff.


The weird thing is, some of his videos do work for me, and work really well, others don’t do anything at all. I wonder why. But I never got like “harmful” vibes from any of his work, it does seem to have good intentions. But the people on his forum are very… VERY weird. And Loui himself seems to be weird. But weird doesn’t mean bad, and just because I don’t vibe with him or his community doesn’t mean his work is evil or bad. It might be outdated and not as effective as he claims it is, I think in that regard he’s kind of delusional. He loves to act like his work is the most powerful around. It has SOME power, but binaural beats only go so far


Oh man those were wild times… :sweat_smile:


I’ll risk sounding like I don’t understand what binaural beats are just to say somewhere along my journey I picked up the impression that binaural beats, isochronic, and even solfeggio just may work for reasons not quite the same as what is generally recognized. The line between these and audio sigils may not be so hard set as one might expect.


I suppose that you are right - energy patterns are energy patterns, I just think the main difference between a “frequency” for example and morphic programming is one is a little more intense than the other. I think frequencies are also very useful but take longer to create change on average, but this probably depends per person. subliminals use your subconscious focus to create your own energy patterns. It’s just one state to another. This is how I always viewed it anyway, I use all of these depending on what I’m trying to achieve

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My favorite energy creators

Sapiens médicine
Sigh energy all his 5 Channels
Maitreya fields
Spirituality zone
Programed intention
Quadible integrity

That’s how I ranked i put sigh 2 bcs that group are sometime else ,they have sow much stuff that you don’t really know where to start
Also you can play his fields in your phone in the pocket while playing ,sapien fields in your TV and they still work without overwhelming your energy system i has result with the muscle one ,matrix series ,and one that is for improve gaming skills i also use the full body detox ,and the probiotics one ,I use only the gumroad ones ,they are to strong that one listen is really enough ,they are something else :rocket::rocket::rocket:


5 Channels? :scream:


Yes ,it has it for different things


Yeah I have a confession to make: when I first began this journey, I legitimately viewed binaural beats and solfeggio tones in the exact same light as how I currently view energy audios. I thought they were magical lol


I went the other way. The science is just a cover. Maybe.


this is really awesome! i felt like my body was really letting go and loose and my insides were cool squishy water.

there’s power in how many times this has been viewed. there’s power in reading the comment section of this and similar videos because from what i can tell the majority of comments are so loving and supportive!


I have to agree! I also feel a sense of nostalgia from this - this is one of the earliest binaural tracks I’ve seen on YouTube


there’s also power in iteration!

i would come back to a video from years ago and remember what i was feeling, the situations i was in, and the thoughts i was thinking.


Since I can’t listen to music in front of others at the slightest level, can anyone recommend me anything for bad thoughts from the past that recur over and over in my head and make me angry at some people I never want to forgive, and whom I despise, as well as those memories from them and from my life.
Give me something from Sigh Energy that you know could help me, that could clear all the memories or even erase them from my head.
I know Sigh has something for it better than others I just forgot which one