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do you get results from MEF ?

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i dont use him bro, i only use maitreya and sapien.


do you get results from maitraya ?

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do you know MEF dynamics ?

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Personally, MEF seems very sus to me. It isn’t that I think they don’t work, but there is a lot of shady stuff about them. Some of the claims they make are very larger than life, which even if true, put me off as this reveals his character as a person.


It still has it.

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do you think his fields are fake ? Did you get any results from MEF ?

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do you get results from MEF ?

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I don’t like his stuff.


i dont understand. Do you not like it cause it takes lots of time to get results ? Or do you not like it because it does not give any results at all ?

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What do you think about mind morph?

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Hi, what is your opinion to Sigh Energy Silent Fields? Someone have experience with them? Results? Especially on Gumroad, i have some of them new.


Do you get results from MEF ?

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Did you try it?

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Yeah tried sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t I am waiting for something more effective

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Anybody here tried and got results from MEF ?

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It work yes

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Can you recommend me some good and interesting discord groups please?

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Highly recommend checking out

Very good channel to program your mindset, especially when you use ego dissolution

this one is my personal favourite