Discussion for other Creator Channels

do you get results from diffrent chanels besides sapien ?

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i only use Sapien and his channels, tools.

ive seen you the past 2 or 3 weeks asking every member you come across here, i think is time you read the whole thread and take notes what others say about other channels etc so you dont keep asking that, we all see and read the post, if no one has replied is because majority in this forum use only Sapien.


I’ve got results with most other creators, just at different speed.

At the end you need to discover for yourself what works and what not.


do you know MEF dynamics ?

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I told you already i don’t like his stuff.

Do you really want fast results with everything?

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why dont you like his stuff ? You did not answer to that .

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Uses on his gumroad page shady stuff (probably to sell his “fields” at a higher price) and made claims that A and B-list celebrities would use his fields.

This alone should be enough but the field quality itself is also nothing special nor do i had any proper results with his stuff.

Is there a reason why you are so heavy focused on MEF?


He says he’s fields give permanent results . Infinite booster. Converter field. Iq booster . Photographic memory field .

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Yes he…

He can say whatever he want, at the end the user need to have the results not what someone claims.

The question about permanent results is a bit more complicated.

Real quality products don’t need any marketing or claims - it speaks for itself.


so, did you not get results from him ?

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I used the raise vibration for a short time and the photographic brain for a longer time. It worked but it was quite slow compared to others.


Does speakers have to be really really close to us to make morphic fields work ? Like field loses it effects on air if its little far .

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Aslong you hear the sound it will work.

Search for energy expansion card and use it 3-4x daily (no matter if you feel it or not)

Just gaze at it 10seconds and say activate.

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MEF and Spirituality Zone, Morpheus Fields - are they effective/safe to use, or should I stop?
I am asking because there seems to be a lot of divergence in this thread, if anyone can give me a general consensus that would be nice. (I did look everything over, but who knows, maybe someone has something more to add).

Also, if someone utilized harmful fields, what would help detox those energies from their system? Thank you.

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We need to stop expecting someone else to hand it all on a plate. I mean general consensus? When or where does that ever happen in the real world? It does not even happen all the time for even Sapien’s fields.

  • Use Sapien’s fields. He has been around for a long time, thousands of testimonials abound the www.
  • If, for whatever reason, you want to use some other creator’s work, read the various opinions, and make up your own mind. Opinions are subjective and are not universal truths, although it is possible to derive useful conclusions from them.

Or, use them yourself and decide. At some point, we need to take responsibility for our own choices and not expect someone else to make those choices for us. I absolutely don’t like SZ (I have explained on this thread why, and I am not going to repeat it) - and others have different opinions on other creators. Ultimately, it is your body, your energy system, so the choice is yours.

Don’t be that person who expects someone else to decide what is good or bad for you. You read, you research and you arrive at your own conclusions. It seems pretty entitled to demand others to distill diverging opinions from this rather lengthy thread and deliver a consensus where none exists.


Who’s SZ?


Spirituality Zone.


Can you please tell me how did you notice Morpheus working for you? like in what way, what fields and results
I am also using it some and he says it’s enough one month of listening and then you downloaded field in your subconscious

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His cell regen works well, in my opinion. I don’t use any of his files based on animal abilities/regen, just because I’m not willing to merge with those energies. Overall, not saying his files are the most powerful but they seem decent, could probably be improved, but I’ve talked to him and he seems to care about making his files work in harmony with every person using them. He does have some extreme/experimental ideas in my opinion (like a no-sleep field), but most of those files are on patreon, and he puts many warnings, in any case that’s not always a bad thing and he warns those who use the files. I don’t know about downloading into the subconscious, everyone’s consciousness is different and some are more powerful/sensitive/impressionable than others, I think some people have such a robust field they can use tools like this for a while with barely being affected by them. (Just my opinion obviously).



Fun Fact:
The first post in this mega long thread has never ever actually gotten a single like.

:laughing: :grimacing: :sweat_smile: