Discussion for other Creator Channels

I play Negentropic Animal when she seems more sluggish than usual and then she starts running around playing with her mouse. So cute.

I laaahve her!


The ends don’t justify the means.

Most subliminal creators aren’t trustworthy. They project themselves in their creation and give you more limitations than anything.

They are often incompetent too, but I guess the popular ones at least must give results.

Binaural nutrition I think is safe. I don’t know anyone else there.

Exilian is there. I may be wrong since they change names and stuff…I found some exilean subs recently. They are a joke.

I think Christiordion is the guy that took a NFT doc from this forum and put all the benefits in his subs. Plus the benefits of being unbreakably, divinely psychopathic (very divine…).

My apologies if it isn’t but the thing is…without having used their subs, I know not to trust them.


I can vouch for Vox Masculus and Binaural Nutrition. I use the Extreme Self Esteem and Self Confidence sub from Vox’s other channel called Vox Progressus and BN’s Overcome Prn Addiction is a godsend for me.

I’ve come across all the other channels you
mentioned, but their sub topics and some of them claim that they include energy in their subs which didn’t resonate with me, so I chose to stay away from those channels.


Vox Masculus is very effective, this video amazed me with its effect, the muscles began to hurt, the chest and stomach tightened up and the arms became larger. Effects felt from day one Ultimate GigaChad Body v1 | Powerful Subliminal - YouTube


Thank you for the answer. Quite a number of the mentioned channels and also few unmentioned have this straight up dark ‘aesthetic’ vibe. And yes, they mention they work with some sort of energies and ‘entities’, unless they openly say they practice magic and often, dark magick. I don’t know if any of the mentioned are really so. And that’s where it gets really suspicious. I heard it might be more powerful audios (of course they would), but it seems, they rarely really unveil their methods and true intentions, which gives this renouncing vibe.

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And there are plenty of neutral themed channels which also sometimes do have subs for men, like Moza, TulipBeauty, LucyHerzig, BeautyKrystalized and more. Have you ever used them?


That’s what makes me stay away from those channels. Their claims like reiki charged sub, energetically programmed sub, morphic field included sub makes me not trust them. Working with energy is complex and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Their whole dark aesthetic vibe makes me think that their own energy system won’t be clean and hence I don’t wanna interact with their energy included subs.

Yes, I’ve used MozaMorph, Kottie, V1per, Vetala, BeautyKrystallized and few other mainstream sub channels. I’ve not used LucyHerzig but I’ve read positive comments about her on this forum.
Although all these mainstream channels are mostly female oriented, but they do upload male related subs once in a while, and none of them use energy in their subs.


His stuff literally works so well

Fk subs is very good too and Ulas has alot of knowledge


Hi, i’ve been using this recent formula that i found for 5 days so far. All i can say is that i’m in complete detachment with results and manifestations - few miracles happened during these days, im making more money, better mood, actually seeing results from other fields. Give it try - Law of Assumption / Morphic Energy Programmed ❃ / Instant Manifestation - YouTube

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I don’t trust any of them except for vox masculus, only because he’s the only one that has given me good results.
Most of the other ones have already been explained earlier, the energy work and dark vibes they give off repels me, surely there are other ways to be intelligent or whatever without becoming a psychopath?


Any views about Simply Hypnotic? Their earlier tracks were fields/subliminals, but lately they’re strictly Solfeggio.


it was quite a long time ago when i last checked spirituality zone
his stuff always felt quite abrusive and general off but now it seems like it’s even way worse that goes even in the dark direction?!

for all people that still use SZ i highly recommend to get this one:


I just want to give a shout-out to Programmed Intention! I believe @Maoshan_Wanderer had recommended their Energetic Shield field and their Patreon was only 1 dollar (!) so I thought I’d give it a try.

I have Sapien’s new Maxilla field but tried Programmed Intention’s as well: Forward and Upward Maxilla, High Cheekbones and - OH MY GOD - the V-Shaped Jawline. I started using the jawline track with just ONE listen as a lark, but there was no question… within a day, there was a huge difference. The biggest differences I have seen in facial features by any creator or field by far.

I have always had dark circles under my eyes and I watched a video saying that a higher maxilla will make your eye bags smaller and reduce the dark circles. That is exactly what is happening! My eyes are definitely more “lifted”, I am using less concealer and my jawline looks chiselled in a way I have never had before.

ALSO. I couldn’t believe my results with the Maxilla track, so I thought I’d try Higher Cheekbones. That took a few more days, but again - no question - I am getting results. As I was putting on my makeup (bronzer and blusher) the other day, I had to use the makeup brush up higher and more laterally on my face. I also paused the original Negentropic Maxilla track to see if this was what was causing the results and it’s definitely connected to Programmed Intention’s audios. Amazing! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yes, I believe that’s the one! I haven’t bought anything on Gumroad though. The original one is also on youtube Multidimensional Shield of Light - Cleanse and Protect your space / home - Digital Mandala - YouTube as is the maxilla one: Upward & Forward Maxilla - Digital Mandala - YouTube

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Thank you so much. lol my work laptop blocked the link im sorry.

you tried their manifestation booster - its weirdly powerful.

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i’ll try anything weirdly powerful! playing it now :)

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The creator of the audios is a good man too. I chat to him sometimes. He is a really good hearted, god loving man

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Without having interacted with him, I can tell. A soft, very kind and loving energy comes through from him. Full trust :)

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Btw his shield is amazing

I just tried it, it’s euphoric omg

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right?! it absolutely feel expansive… clean… :heart_eyes:

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