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Love this. I just read the video is fielded too, but I’ve been looping it for a while (music in background), haven’t even seen the video once…and it’s pretty noticeable.

I wanted to experiment with the elements series. Started with fire cause I know I’m in need of it and it hasn’t disappointed.


I go:

Earth → Water → Air → Fire → Ether → Light of the Supreme Source (repeat)


Captain’s Anointing of The Alchemical Holy Oil (x2) → 7 Chakra Balancing & Activation (x2) → Access Altered States (x2) → Zero Point Field (x4 - meditating - it’s a void state accelerator) →

  • Path 1: Mystical Mirage (x2) → Time Travel (x4)
  • Path 2: Captain’s Essence of Mantras (x1) → Higher Being Experience (x3) —> Taste of the Vaikuntha Loka (x1)
  • Path 3: SZ’s Source Vibration (x1) → Omniscience x3 —> Omnipotence x3

First sequence is passive if I chose it …

Second sequence and paths are all in meditation - for roughly 50 minutes ish… (try to do it around 5-6:30 PM … when close to sleep I doze off at times, in the morning around 5-8 AM I prefer doing higher self, mantra and brain related exercises (as well as manifestation stuff) … trying to get some yoga in there)

Close to bed I just try to explore the world at large … no telling where my mind takes me … it’s always an adventure … and ever so often, I encounter some interesting things.


That sounds nice. Pretty cool playlists there. Thank you for sharing.

I’m doing all that except for time travelling (unless I find an excuse to do so).


See previous incarnations and recover lost memories and stuff … might take a month to fully kick in, depending on a few factors … I’d listen to Enhanced Visual Processing and Brain Hemisphere Connectivity to get things moving along. Oh … and make sure you’re potassium intake is up to par.

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Btw, also add negentropic smart blend and ewfae’s mind and body healing + their Mantra de Bouddha de la Médcine to the mix because activations can get pretty taxing :sweat_smile: (lack of sleep and poor appetite and stuff)

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Thanks, I will keep it in mind.

The energy revolution field works pretty well for insomnia.

Also…if you don’t mind wasting a day or two, inputting “epsilon brainwaves” into intention repeater or holo-stones (I added more stuff but it was overlooked, all I got was crazy sleepy) is too strong.

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Whose is Energy Rrevolution Field?

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EWFAE Synergy Fields as seen in the thumbnail. It isn’t even for insomnia…but a sort of general health (seems mostly related to mind, mental helath or psychosomatic) fields. It does all it intends, I must say.

Great field for anxiety too.


Thanks guys!
I didn’t know this channel :purple_heart:

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EWFAE digital mandala’s looks very interesting. Maybe I gonna try some soon.

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Try their Charisma fields … those were the ones that first made me give them a try … noticeable behavioral and mindset changes happened within no more than a week of consistent use.


i remmber i found morphic fields channle in youtube they have so good and awsome ideas on of them about (divine help or somthing) i remmber i used it and while listening my soulmate talked with me with an open heart it was wired my body was so chill after this event …
i just want to know if you guys discover it too i can’t find the channle any more :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

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Sounds like Maitreya.

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Anyway: https://youtu.be/d0SFBMquYCc

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no not her

Morpheus Fields maybe?

also no :(

I’m intrigued, who could it be? :sweat_smile:

i found alot of my youtube playlist get deleted i think they deleted the channle it was new with little comments