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You listened multiple days in a row, several times each day? Maybe the problem is hormonal, especially given sleep issues.

No it’s not harmonal it’s only my nervous system is overwhelmed

If you can take a break from using fields for 1 week, do so.
I also recommend trying Sapien’s Nerve Inflammation Help field.


Did it help you yes I m taking break because whenever I use anything it makes my situation worse and makes me weak and gives headache which is unbearable now this headpain is moved to my neck like I have very stiff neck I can’t move it at all

For the nerve issues guy: Retinol, K2 (mk7), D3, B12 and OMEGA 3 + Vit C rich foods.

Nerve Growth from patreon too. (Your energetic being is OK too. But not enough on its own)

You’re not overwhelmed, it’s growing pains.

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Growing means?

You are “upgrading”. Try some relaxation exercises… energy flows much easier through you now … and fields will begin to work much faster.

Try Hatha and Kriya yoga too.

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No man it’s just now it’s too late earlier it started with making my body very weak which I ignored my biggest mistake because it was a big sign then it goes to my head now it’s very very severe

Because now whatever I use makes me weak makes me lose weight so it’s just I m not able to handle these

There is no way Nerve Growth Factor, Your Energetic Being, Yoga and Supplements can cause you to be weak or overwhelmed… unless you’re borderline dead.

Try this,

Sounds like an elemental imbalance leading to erratic behavior in your lifeforce.

If none of this helps + grounding shared by @igem

Drop all fields completely for at least 2 months and focus on nutrition, pranayama, and yoga.

If nothing changes, it’s either psychosomatic or some bizzarre thing I can’t conceptualize yet.


I also don’t know but it all started with morpheus fields don’t know that energy was not for me Or what’s the reason after that all this started

What specifically was the field that caused problems?

Which field? Don’t tell me you did the gene mutation one

I m not saying these things are making me weak I m saying if I use any subliminal or any field they make me weak I didn’t try nerve growth factor till now

Every of morpheus fields but it was my mistake I ignored the signs and reached to this stage

I think Morpheus claimed gene alterations in multiple of fields.

I hope your situation will not be permanent for 4 years like me. In my case, my nervous system became like this after long covid. And I can say that there is no field or subliminal that I haven’t tried to improve this.

Even tea, although it doesn’t contain much caffeine, causes a huge stress in my body.

My nervous system has become very sensitive and gets overloaded easily.

I hope it’s just a temporary condition. Your symptoms sound very similar to the initial stages of my condition.

There are also many people similar to your situation in recent years.

Try the suggestions, I hope it is temporary and goes away easily.

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No I didn’t try this I used booster, skin, younger everyday, one or two more

I am referring to this in particular.

Never knew it has side effects. I assumed it was similar to other “Unlock Potential” products.