Discussion for other Creator Channels

Here too!


This one feels pretty nice! QI’s music is usually spot on for me…


Nah im shaktipat initiated which is more kali path

:om: :om: :om: :yin_yang: :wheel_of_dharma: :mechanical_arm:


That’s twice in the same day.
Watch your language, this is not acceptable here.

In fact it’s past thrice


What is not acceptable sharing other creators? Or links since other mod moved it to this channel so i wasnt sure whats the rule

I’m talking about you calling people morons, ungrateful c****. You are free to reflect on the ungrateful nature of “people”, not c****s

This is not a preference, it’s a rule

@Nice2knowU already gave you a gentle warning

Since it doesn’t happen often from you, I’m assuming that you are just upset.
But that will only take you so far


Oh I listened it last night, the visuals are also beautiful. The energy is very gentle and calming, I think I could already feel the angels helping today I had a smooth and peaceful morning, no traffic, no delays or inconveniences at work. Very nice, although I should keep trying it.


My apologies. I thought this was a safe thread for discussion of other creators, just wanted to get others input if they had the time to try it.
Thanks for the suggestions though!

No need for false apologies. No need to act small.

Become more, plain and simple… all you need is yourself.

We all do want to help, genuinely … and this is the most helpful advice you can get.


I looped it last night and felt good. Now, I see a tax refund in mail! Was not expecting!



This one’s pretty cool.

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Indeed it is. :smiley:

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I wish QI would offer these on Patreon or their site. Seems not much has been updated recently.

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If I want to use Attunement again and every once in a while, is it better to wait for 24h before using another card (energy expansion, for example) or 1h is fine?

Thank You.

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Thank You.
Are all the songs from all the albums fielded?

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In general you should not have to keep using the Attunement card. I have the original card deck from 10 years ago and it was explained to me that Attunement is a one-time event to be able to use the rest of the cards.


I don’t think it’s a “have to” thing, but it makes a difference for me. It’s like playing scales before practicing a piece of music —not necessary but people do it to good effect.

Don’t have download link is it audio or audio+ nft ?