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why??? so many people report good results


I heard that the method they use is dangerous for everyone

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Sometimes you can understand what it’s about by looking at the thumbnails.


At what cost … better be safe. They use demonic entities in their audios


Some crazy creators are imposing on their fields the idea that “only their fields are accepted, all other creators’ fields are rejected”. Please be very careful before trying everyone else’s fields or subs.

fk is a cool dude open to talk about any stuff. you can talk directly to him if you want.


bro im so scared people have reported dodgy results and the people on his communuity in the bn discord server are racist and just dont seem like good people lol


that’s because 90% of discord population are 13 to 20 years old guys trying to build muscle to get chicks.

i don’t recommend kingmaker though, he admitted to use demons and evil entities.

as far as i know, fk uses his own energy and had used radionics/subs in the past.

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be sure to use captain’s negative energy removal and shielding fields if branching out to these creators

when it comes to psychological fields, FK’s approach seems unnecessarily aggressive and counterproductive to people’s interests, whether they realise it or not. if you want psychological integration equal or greater than that of a psychopath, get ‘emotional dampener’.


Not bad entities because tf, ain’t none possessed here lol.

Entities can be stored in the most uncomfortable of places even for the most advanced… it is a vast, endless land out there… plenty of spaces to hide, and most people don’t know to look under some pebbles!


are demonic entities generally bad and negative? there’s another submaker who use their energy in some of audios but there’s also a note that says they won’t do anything bad to you at all etc so i was like wow i’m probably wrong with the idea of all of them are bad! but now since we’re on the topic i’m questioning it again :thinking:

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I haven’t met a single parasite that doesn’t parasite.


Not all ‘demons’ are completely negative, some are intelligent and can be worked with for positive benefits. i see no point though, since we have fields which are more thoughtfully designed and safe


Demons never work for free. They always get something in return, usually more than they give. You don’t know what’s embedded in those subliminals or energy work, but typically, there are agreements involved where you get something and give something in return.

This is always a very unequal exchange. In the long run, you will lose.

You might not feel right now what you’re giving up, but believe me, you or maybe your children, or your children’s children, will pay the price for what you received from demons.

To stop this, those agreements need to be broken. But this is often very difficult to do. You agreed to it yourself (and in subliminals and energy work, such agreements are often written in). So, it’s like you’ve unknowingly signed them.

ps: Agreements with demons can severely ruin the lives of even future generations.


Positive demons are called differently; they are not referred to as demons.

Not true for the demons of Ars Goetia, but i suppose you are right in that the exchange is likely uneven. They can be removed using the exorcism field though once the benefits are brought

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That’s not the mentality to deal with them imo.


There is nothing you can’t achieve without demons.

I’ve encountered agreements my ancestors made with dark entities, and these agreements affected even my life. Exorcism didn’t help. Because it didn’t cancel the agreements.

Now, I no longer give power to demons, but I’ve definitely put this topic to rest for myself. Anyone who wants to experiment is free to do so.


Yeah you are right, good thing i dont work with demons lol

i should not speak where i am inexperienced

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@flutterfly @toby @Bobby thank you so much guys! i’ll be careful and won’t using them anymore :slightly_smiling_face::four_leaf_clover: