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Not defensive at all !

Actually I was wow :exploding_head: really this creator working wow .
It’s interesting .
My experience with Morpheus 6 months listening my mind was thinking if only this creator has stronger fields.

I was disappointed to be true because I really like creative side of this particular creator …

But I have feeling you need some proof of something where each person having thy package way thy listen fields and what thy are resolving.

So to answer you with some proof is almost mission impossible.

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Not really. Nothing has been answered clearly. This lack of detailed responses here may be that most people clearly don’t know the answer themselves.

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I think he has a chanell for women. lemme check

Whats the point in arguing over whos efffective and whos not lol . everyones different bruh

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It’s great to hear that you had an open and positive reaction to the hizzz work, even if the results didn’t meet your expectations. ? . It’s all part of exploring different options to find what works best for you. Thanks for sharing your honest feedback!

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Exactly, I’m not here to argue over who’s better or more effective. I’m simply asking why some fields work faster or differently for certain people. Everyone’s experience is unique, and I’m just trying to understand the reasons behind it, not debate which creator is superior.


I’m just speaking off the top of my head, so please take what I’m about to say with a grain of salt. I may be incorrect for assuming this but I think a lot of people here, myself included, do not truly understand the energetical mechanics of these fields. It takes a lot of work to get to that level of energy awareness. There’s a possibility that it might not even be possible to truly describe with words what is happening at that level.

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the answer is simple. everyones energy system is unqiue and people react to different energies differently

I think so lol but someone more educated can comment :slight_smile:


I appreciate your honesty, my Mikey boy, and you’re right—understanding the energetic mechanics of these fields is incredibly complex and probably beyond what most people here can fully grasp. I’m just trying to explore and understand what’s going on, but it’s clear there’s a lot the people here don’t know or can’t put into words yet.

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BN for Women - YouTube

Ah you simple girl. Exactly, everyone’s energy system is unique, and we all react differently to various energies. However, Morpheus claims that one listen creates permanent results, whereas Sapien doesn’t seem to take that approach. This could point to different mechanics at play, and I’m just trying to figure out what those differences are. It’s not about which one is better, but understanding how they work on different levels.

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Oh thanks you’re kindness won;t go unnoticed

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No one seems to know the answers, hence all the defensive nellies on here. This isn’t about arguing which creator is “better” or “worse.” What I’m truly curious about is the underlying mechanics that make certain fields work differently for different people. Morpheus, for example, claims that one listen results in permanent change, while Sapien doesn’t necessarily make that claim. That suggests there could be a fundamental difference in how they’re designed, and I’m just trying to understand that. It’s not about being right or wrong—it’s about digging deeper to see what’s going on and learning more.

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So these Quadible Integrity ones, there doesn’t seem any place to buy them. Gumroad, Patreon and their website seem to be abandoned wastelands.

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It’s not about free vs. paid, or which creator is more popular. I’ve found free fields from other creators that work faster and more effectively for me than some of the paid ones from Sapien. While some people here keep advising me to buy more from Sapien, I think it’s worth exploring other options, especially if they deliver results without side effects. Every time I’ve asked for help, I’ve been pointed toward more paid fields by Many others here including @Rosechalice often without any suggestion for free alternatives, and that raises some questions for me.

And yes, everyone’s experience is different. Just because Morpheus’ fields work faster for me and others I know doesn’t mean they’ll work the same way for you. It’s clear that a lot of people here don’t fully comprehend much.

I appreciate people’s honesty in sharing their experiences, and I agree that experimentation is key, but I still think there’s more to be understood about how these fields interact with different energy systems and no-one here seems to know. This isn’t about judging one creator as “better”—it’s about figuring out why different approaches yield such different results.

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Maybe you should ask creators him/her self maybe can answer better than all us here defensive bunch :joy::sweat_smile: or maybe your energetic sistem just respond better to it.
But I would very disagree about fast permanent results from this creator.

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Quadible Integrity has already made everything freely available on YouTube, and the millions of comments from users speak for themselves. They aren’t focused on the money aspect at all—they’re truly about helping people. It’s clear from the overwhelming positive feedback that their approach is resonating with a lot of people, and they’re offering powerful solutions without any financial barriers. It’s refreshing to see a creator who prioritizes accessibility and genuine support over constantly pushing paid options.

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It would be great to ask the creators directly, but unfortunately, no one from Team Sapien, including Captain, ever responds. That’s part of the issue—there’s little to no direct communication or answers from them, which leaves a lot of us in the dark. I understand everyone’s energy system is different, but when creators make claims about fast, permanent results, it would be helpful if there was a way to get clearer explanations directly from them. Just look at patreon and so many queries from users there including premium users, and ZERO responses…LOL

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nahh come on man is it wrong for them to push paid options? Sapien has to eat and pay the bills aswell you know lol. No ones really forcing u to buy em , they are just reccomending the best options which is the paid ones in my experience. He puts in a lot of work with these fields and he’s helped thousands of people

i dont think its wrong to push paid options at all, we all need to make money somehow

I get it, everyone’s got bills to pay, and I respect that. But it feels like in this forum, the push toward paid options is constant, like it’s the go-to solution for almost everything. While I understand Sapien puts in hard work, there are also other creators, like Quadible Integrity, offering powerful free options that are just as effective for some people. No one’s forcing anyone, sure, but when free alternatives exist and work for many, it’s worth questioning why paid solutions are always the first recommendation here. It’s not about making money—it’s about balance and transparency.

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