Discussion for other Creator Channels

Called the Morphic Doctor

haha its like he took the concepts of SP and overworked them a bit, I didnt try it out but the same things are on SapienMedicine
for example
I dont wanna shit on him but just sayin, his things could work but at the time Dreamweaver is monopol in this scene and it sure doesnt help making things he already did, expect they are more potent but I figure that this wouldnt be a long term use for most of us, welp I didnt try it so its just my opinion

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Same here :sweat_smile: :blush:

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His skin program (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMn9ILuVYqc) sounds exactly like the one from Sapien. This is a very big red flag.

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We will never know the truth about these new channels. At least MEF is kinda direct in his communication

Double bruh

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I am of the belief that there should be an official “whitelist” of channels, officially endorsed (as in saying “this channel works”) by DW or someone in his inner circle (such as Sammy, _OM or Maoshan).

I know the likely response to this will be “experience is the best teacher” or something, but when it comes to serious (possibly permanent) life changes, this shit isn’t a game. In fact Some people may have life-threatening terminal conditions, and if they use a non-Sapien channel which doesn’t work in an attempt to treat it, it could cost them their life.

Yes I know this is a very dramatic and probably unlikely example, but my own personal reason is that my self-growth and transformation is something I take very seriously and am committed to. If I am impeded by a scammer who’s wasting my time, that can seriously hinder mine and others’ self development.

And now you might say “then just use only Sapien”. That’s good and all, and I love Dreamweaver and the others on the team to death and I believe no other audios work as good as theirs. However, Dreamweaver is just one guy (or at most a very small team of under 5 people), and with all the possible topics there can be for an audio, I don’t see him making literally every field for every possible problem any time soon. Don’t get me wrong, Dreamweaver has made so many great fields, and fields that no other creator could ever come up with. But there also exist topics that he is yet to cover, or may never cover at all. If you just look at the fields request thread, you can see so many unfulfilled request whether it be because Dream hasn’t yet gotten around to it or he just doesn’t want to for personal reasons, which I respect. But this is where other creators come in. They have made audios and transmissions for topics that Dreamweaver hasn’t yet covered or may not cover at all. They can help to at least temporarily fill an empty void. If Sapien makes a field for a certain topic, I will always use that field over any other available option. But it would be nice to at least have temporary substitutes for fields he can’t/won’t make. Even having the pool of options expanded to just one or two other channels would be nice.

(Sorry for this long rant lol. I don’t really know why I actually wrote this. I know that I sound like a whiny bitch here so feel free to keep walking on by. I’m not deleting this however because I don’t want to be disingenuous and hide any mistakes)


Please consider following points which can be a problem with your idea:

  • Who is diciding which channel comes on the whitelist?
  • You cannot say someone has to use sapien fields or he would die. You dont know what is working for him and what not.
  • I dont like that “I know why other creators are shit but I wont tell you why” attitude in the last time.

Perhaps you could do a course on the difference in feel and conception?

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Looks like she also uploaded her own version of the Knight/Warrior mindset


Wow can’t believe all these scam artists are popping up everywhere. All his fields are things Dream already did too. Smh

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Yeah she is sneakily trying to do the arcana archetypes

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Yeah guys if this isn’t suspect at all than I dont know what is at this point

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You guys focussing too much on negativity… do something positive would be much more useful especially in our time right now!