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Level 2 & 3 definitely helped. Really brought up pain in my heart and stomach areas. Even burning sensations in my heart area. Looking forward to this one.

whats people ideas on subliminal club?

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I have used subs from various companies a few years ago and Subliminal Club was the only one that I ended up trusting. Not that others were necessarily bad or poorly intentioned, but most worked too slowly and the only other one I had seen results worthy of mention I later found out was misguided in adding some stuff to his subs basically for ego reasons (in my opinion). Because we can’t see what’s in it (for reasons I understand) you need to really trust the company.

Subs aren’t for me personally because I think what works for most people clashes with some of my beliefs but in my experience SC does have some very solid products.


On the days when you were listening to Subliminal Club, were you listening to any audio from sapien?

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what did he put in his subs exactly was it like Sub club is this best or was it more to gain money of its users?

I didn’t know Sapienmed or anything about morphic fields back then

I’m not sure I understand the first part of the question. About the second, it wasn’t malicious, it’s just that a lot of people who were trying his subs (the company is called Indigo Mindlabs) would party on the weekend and the use of a lot of alcohol or of some drugs would affect the efficiency. Then these people would complain on the forum, which I guess didn’t make him look good. So he added a script to a lot of his subs (not mentioned on the product’s pages) that anything other than prescription drugs would have no effect. I understand what he tried to do but I thought that not mentioning it was really problematic. At the time I was very ill and bought a subliminal to help with my health. I was in a lot of pain and was taking kratom and CBD but also natural mast cell stablisers (I had MCAS) and anti-histamines. Overnight they stopped working (my boyfriend suddenly had no effects from coffee either). It was a very shitty period, as I didn’t know it was the sub and thought I was getting worse. It made seriously consider not being alive anymore. It’s only after making the connection it had started at the same time as the sub that I wrote the company and was told this. They were forthcoming about it, it wasn’t anything shady but just (in my opinion) an irresponsible move because it’s not right to take away people’s freedom of choice this way.

People shouldn’t stop getting effects from coffee or even alcohol, without their knowledge.

At the time I was very angry that a subliminal company had chosen to show off to frat boys who wanted to have more sex rather than care about people who truly needed them. And I thought, what else is in there that we don’t know about?

I wrote off subliminals after that, not being able to know what’s in them was too off putting.

EDIT ABOUT SUBLIMINAL CLUB: I thought to search this forum and came across this user saying that their subliminals are full of advertisement. I don’t know the user but I don’t see why he’d have reason to lie about this.



Is this Thomas by any chance?

I have used the emotional healing from subliminal shop (indigo mind labs). After many months I felt perfect and stopped using it. I had an emotional breakdown and mood swings and then I stabilized. I think the subliminal did not clear away 100% of the problems and when I stopped some things came to surface and then settled down. In this way, I feel either their subliminals do not give permanent effect or not potent enough to clear all junk.

What is your opinion about subliminal club? Do their subliminals give permanent effect?

Depending on how much you paid, if your baseline has permanently improved, was it worth it?

I never listened enough to tell. There was too much that didn’t fit with me that created tension. But that’s me. Most of the success things aim to make people alpha’s. I don’t want to be an alpha. Anyone’s welcome to walk beside me for where I’m going but while I don’t want to follow anyone I definitely don’t want anyone to follow me.

But learning that they have bloatware/adware in their script has definitely put me off them. If you can’t rely on the efficiency of your products to generate testimonies, that doesn’t speak much to their quality in my opinion.

Posting here to share a throwback from the past that came back to my life to help me!

this is just pure sound with no subliminals or energy embedded.

the ringing in my head was loud for a few hours and it only calmed down and quieted by playing this!

the ringing in my head is similar to getting too focused on my thoughts and this audio helped me focus on my external reality which balanced out my internal reality.


is there any way to contact Quadible integrity? He seems to not answer to comments and mails.

Feels amazing if you practice it with these fields…






I was just saying huh at the !thanks :rofl: :rofl:

Were not bots paid by Dream

Or are we :fearful:

and at the fact why listen to an audio were the owner has 400 subs and turned comments off

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i am paid bot


Oh we know you are josh :joy:
how much he paying u then?

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.- / .-… — - c


Question for those the have the mandala of PI - Multidimensional Shield of Light and servitors

does the shield somehow interfere with the servitors??