Discussion on masturbation (Kinky stuff)

Get back to ordinary talks like this please. Stay away from people’s rear end even in your imagination. Aaah I can’t even drink my coffee right now. My eyes, my heart, nooo.

Huh? :face_with_monocle:

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All check on my own :sunglasses::dancer:t2:

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on the bottom of every topic you have the chance to ‘ignore’ it.

as i’ve mentioned before, feel free to take what resonates and what doesn’t.

i understand everyone has a comfort level for what they are and aren’t ready for.

if you have any questions, feel free to ask and us ladies will do our best to only provide you with genuine truths and experiences.


:slightly_smiling_face: the whole body is and we should explore it and enjoy it fully openly deeply connected :heart_eyes:


Having fields on during sex can add to it for sure. That emotional release idea is great! Never thought of that.

Unconditional love, divine love or any of those with a love audios can make for a very sensual and unifying experience. Only do this with a loved one though. With just a friend can cause one or the other to develop strong emotions for thr other.


I think this thread just proved that I am homophobic. That prostate orgasm thing really got me.

I don’t mean to disrespect anyone’s choices. Let’s just excuse my one and only weakness.

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Oh my i can only imagine!!!

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Well you have 2 options.
Stay and work on overcoming being homophobic or leave :hugs:


maybe information overload?

biological males have prostates and they’re the reason a male can orgasm. this body part and what it is capable of is not exclusive to homosexual males.

many heterosexual males are open to prostate stimulation and are confident in their sexuality.

for one, i feel that you did not just stumble upon this information. you may be ready to read these words subconsciously, unconsciously, or both.

agreed with @anon26869922.

there’s the exit usually in the top right corner of your screen.



Ego Dissolution as well friends! when you’re in the action, there’s no space and energy to think. it lessens the pleasure.


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Lolllll. I would still put music over it cause some of our music or tones aren’t exactly the best to get a rhythm to :smile:


Should appreciate you for your acceptance and realization. Amidst of awful silence from men in the forum , that too , on a thread like masturbation :sweat_smile:. By the way, homophobia is just not limited to heterosexuals, infact , it’s more among LGBT . For now, in this thread, let’s view it from energy perspective than sexual orientation.


Indeed. Ego death = Unity.


@anon26869922 @psynergy
I appreciate both offers as I take the later one.

and I’d like to make it clear that I’m not condemning anyone for exploring/enjoying things that give me inexplicable feelings in my stomach.

Different folks, different strokes.

All that being said, I appreciate and encourage you all to discuss these important topics openly as I flee due to my own conditioning.


I think this and the feeling it brought to you are an excellent opportunity to dig deeply in why you feel what you feel and know more about you and keep evolving. But your path is your path. Take care x see you around


Lol shots fireeeeed :rofl::man_dancing:t2:

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Same, Amen and good night

Hugs. This was a nice convo


Regarding the prostate stimulation I just wanted to add that one can stimulate it in a energetic way too. From my experience the feeling is notable but I can’t compare it to the physical stimulation ( never done it). Might also be easier for partners to do it that way? The women could focus one the male and vice versa. Maybe do energetic stimulation while moving the body?


Lmao… Change of thread name to kinky stuff :joy: