Discussion on masturbation (Kinky stuff)

@_OM Go on wizard. Tell us what you know about masturbation for both male and female.

Really curious to know. No shouting back at you.






Isnā€™t that the old stuff where you held back from telling more about this?

read through most of the stuff.

Want to know about this. What better ways?

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Well right nowā€¦ it seems my simple :smirk: 22 week challenge of doing the Star Exercise 2x/day as been kicking most peopleā€™s a$$e$, so letā€™s start with that one for self-discipline.

For Ego Control, :thinking: letā€™s add one cold shower every day to the mix.



I donā€™t like you anymore



I canā€™t get over the fact that @_OM and some other sources suggest that;

For men, restraining/dicipline brings up ā€œsuperpowersā€
For women, indulging in it opens up chakras and brings up the goodies.

Who made these rules? nature? Dude Iā€™m always 10 seconds away from going hardcore redpill all over the world for the past 1 year. How is that for restraining?


Never said thisā€¦ please donā€™t misquote me.

Interesting word choice.

Did you actually read the posted search links?

If so, they yeah, the answer is YIN/YANGā€¦
like every post I ever talk about with you has been about this.

Why would ā€œsexā€ be any different?
But I didnā€™t actually say all the things you think I said, so it doesnā€™t matterā€¦

And see thisā€¦

kinda feels like youā€™re shouting :man_shrugging:, but I may be wrongā€¦



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Did I get this wrong?

Nope, just missing some emojis. And it wasnā€™t directed at you, more like a complaining to the world/existence itself.

@Maoshan_Wanderer wrote a very good post about this at some point.
Summary is (i think, sorry if misquote) that while men ā€œloseā€ jing with orgasm, women gain. I think he also wrote (?) that during intercourse, there can be an energy exchange and it is possible that men dont lose jing if done in a certain way.
My low-level mind interpreted this as ā€œif there is mutual orgasmā€ but yeah that could just be me.

Iā€™m female and to be honest for me itā€™s likeā€¦ if i havent had sex / orgasm for a while, I pretty much stop caringā€¦


Well yeahā€¦kindaā€¦ what does my recommended ā€œself controlā€ and ā€œself-disciplineā€ recommendations have to do with MALE V, FEMALE anything??

This is what happens when things get taken out of context which is precisely why I didnā€™t post any specific things and linked to entire posts/threads.

Two of those posts/threads point to something written by Maoshan (ah see MonkeyOwl has posted about it to while I write this) that is a VERY GOOD understanding of how masturbation for males has been seen by ā€œenlightened mastersā€ in the past.

And thereā€™s no talk of ā€œnofapā€ from those sources.


now thatā€™s what Iā€™m referring to. That is exactly my misinterpretation of @_OM text to a common belief, perhaps a fact, out there.

Men get this level of magnetic stuff when they restrain, and itā€™s not just the magnetism. Thereā€™s a whole another level that perhaps the following funny video can express the feeling;

and women seem to get it when theyā€™re more active. I heard this from several ladies which doesnā€™t sound like a fair game :sweat_smile:


Youā€™re a male in a universe where you can have sex and never have to carry the alien life form in your body for any amount of time.

Sorry everyoneā€¦but seems we are still not ready for this convo yet.


Womenā€¦masturbate without guiltā€¦ Itā€™s actually good for you

Menā€¦masturbate without guiltā€¦ itā€™s not going to kill you or hurt you in any measurable way.


Do not @ me for this thread. I will ignore or worse.


That should clear up what Iā€™m referring to. Subject is masturbation, and semen retention is often considered ā€œdisciplineā€ for men due to ā€œthe build upā€.

Sorry OM of I contributed to thisā€¦ I meant to just share the experience but maybe it would have been better if I didnā€™t.

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Jeez man, just saw ur post after I posted the one above. Alright not tagging and not caring. Chill out. Go mind your business if the topic is too unfamiliar with your prejudice because obviously youā€™re far from knowing what thousands of people started basically a cult about.

You know who this post refers to.

Now, like others before you, Iā€™m going to point out somthing that happens alot and I WILL NOT TOLERATEā€¦since you want to be a jerk about this

I said read my posts FIRSTā€¦several timesā€¦

Are you kidding me? This topic was LITERALLY created for MY input.
Seems perhaps youā€™re the one who should be ā€œminding their businessā€ eh?

Literally wrote several post about this very thing if you had STOPPED for a few minutes and ACTUALLY READ what I wrote previously like I tried so very hard to make people do multiple times in this threadā€¦

Hereā€™s the EXACT post for your very lazy, very triggered self.

Now, considering I actually like EVERY OTHER Post youā€™ve written up until this point, Iā€™m not going to block youā€¦
unless you continue to be rude to me about something you still havenā€™t READ what I wrote before on the subjectā€¦


Euh donā€™t let your ego take it personally, this was clearly not meant for you.

We can start a topic in the ladies lounge :smiling_imp::smiling_imp: