Disputes Thread

Psychopath fo sho




It burns!! :sob:


I must say…
My timing of leaving the mcfg group was impeccable

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I wasn’t in the group for long, but i can tell you Sniping was surprised it was released as quickly as it was…

(all times in GMT)
I was invited Sep 6 2022 6:28 PM

gave a suggestion to the group,

Sep 7 2022 11:08 am
sniping stated dream asked for copy amount…

Sep 7 2022 12:10 pm
It was released.

ST said:

a little background: On March 18 I reached out to ST…

6 months later i get this message…

i said yes, cause ofc i wanted this.

as you can see he wasn’t even sure it was getting released anytime soon.

i shared my gratitude for the invite as i asked a couple of months back to join.

and thus it was released, I don’t see where the colluding occurred, unless I was part of it???


So you were continually editing it right?

I can see the edit history so if there’s any foul play, I can confirm it today. Only thing I need to settle this, is your proposed NFT @wonderwandering


Ok. Let me get back to the group and see where we stand and if any changes need to be made. Thanks for getting to the bottom of everything Sammy. I really don’t mean any harm, but I feel like whatever the case may be, the air needs to be cleared so this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.


@Zen I never came for AWT as a group. I am just speaking about one particular person with some questionable decisions regarding their participation in both groups. If he’s clean I owe him and the entire group an apology. I have no problem doing that.


@wonderwandering Nah, I mean you don’t need to give me the whole proposed NFT. Just let me know in private the things from your current ideas, that you believe were stolen by the person for their group project. I just need that. I need to get some sleep (on pacific time), so I’d very much like to get this done asap.


Please do, Sammy! Please continue to take care of yourself.


Yeh… I’m getting too tired :sleeping: Gonna catch some Zs :sleeping_bed:


:+1: Sweet dreams!


Just please… this is being resolved as we speak. Just let things be for now. Relax. We’ll get it settled and don’t continue to add fire to it. Thank you.


Sorry my man


@veh and @Snow I just spoke to Sam privately and he pointed out some things I missed in the AWT document. You were right about mentioning some of the same things we did prior to joining MFCG. It’s just the descriptions in AWT and the things we discussed in MFCG were so eerily similar it was insane. Then to add fuel to the fire, Sniping, I didn’t know you were lead on AWT then was in my group also. When the NFT was released, I just felt blindsided because huge chunks of what we were looking to accomplish seemed to be fragmented throughout your project. What upset me in the aftermath was that there were discussions amongst the group about similarities between the two you had with them, but never communicated that to us. We had to find out when it was released and it just didn’t sit right with me.

However, I went on a tangent. The back and forth in the group with the invite and other fiascos in the PMs also made things look weird, but in the end, it was all a big miscommunication and ultimately me being blinded with emotions and feelings instead of waiting for the facts to come out. I really am sorry and apologize to the Astral Walkie Talkie group members as well. I didn’t mean to spoil your release with dramatics. At the time, I just was angry and It really did look like something shady was going on…it just wasn’t really like that. There were some things that I said that I cannot take back and they’ll be on the forum, but I am very sorry for not truly hearing you both out. You handled this like a classy dude and you really didn’t have anything to hide. The two projects just had uncanny similarities that made things look suspect.

Again @veh and @Snow you guys probably can’t stand me right now but you have my deepest apologies. I hope we can still learn and grow together as a community and one day maybe have your forgiveness.
Astral Walkie Talkie members enjoy your new NFT because it’s probably the most awesome one to date.
To members of the forum, I am also sorry for causing mayhem and ruckus. Never ever ever did I think I’d be the one going on crazy rants and going off like I did, but here we are. Please forgive me. I still love this forum and want everyone to have a great time and great experiences.



:green_heart: it happens to the best of us. I am glad it was sorted out. These things pass like weather and we are not separate but one. I am glad you are here wonder.


Lol oh my god dude I just saw this hahah

Anyways its ironic you say that
Because your propic is literally of my face- er i mean my shade


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@Baya I also owe an apology to you as well. You were just trying to defend your group. You’re a true ride or die bro. I’m sorry for coming at you the way I did when you were just trying to reason with me.