Disputes Thread

Oh bro, i’m not talking about you haha. Just speeaking generally.


I think about it similarly to how I process my marriage. There will be times that either my partner or I will slip, and one will say “It’s been a decade. Why are we back here?”. Sometimes both will slip at the same time, even though we are both striving to grow in the best ways possible. Even in a team sport, there is no way to win the game every time. These are tests that come up, over and over. We have to be forgiving and accepting that we still live in 3D, and we are not perfect.

During a time like merc and mars retro, the mind will try to analyze and defend to the end. But when we try to resolve a problem from the level of the problem, it most likely will not be resolved. It cannot be fixed on its own level.

But I do think that if there is a community with varying levels of development, it’s up to the mentors to be the bigger person, and not to admonish the developing individuals for natural growth stages.


You called me out and my phone almost fell out of my hands.
I never hid the fact that certain sales were necessary to move forward
And you’re in the same group as me where I’ve clearly argued that

more specific projects - I would like to keep private.
but of the quantities we have now, most of them we are willing to give away for everyone (but with more copies so that there is an opportunity for everyone to buy) - they include therapeutic projects, projects that cover areas relevant to many and that might interest the Captain. That’s how we see the compensation of the “projects, for a certain group of people” situation, economy and balance

also, projects are not just about sales. it’s about self-development. like an exam, a perspective, an exploration of energies. This is where I see the benefit, although the comparison may not be clear. This is why the pedantic detailing of certain blocks of certain projects was important to me personally. Like-minded logic.

I’m confused about what we’re talking about, too. Since some kind of general aggravation and heat of passion :grin:


Okay so this isn’t a Dispute. Astral Walkie Talkie has already been made, but hear out my side.

One week ago today, I posted in the Community Projects part of the group called The Mighty Field Circuit Generator.

The basic premise of the project was to create a field that uses multiple fields whether it be tags, paid or free fields and NFTs to create new ones. It also had other concepts that were discussed privately in the group. The very first person who replied to the project was @veh which was no biggie. I’ve conversed with him publicly and privately and was honestly excited to see him respond to the project. I respected and admired what he did with BpOL and other things he’s been apart of. I thought his experience would be valuable to the team and knew he’d be apart of it immediately.

The group was started the same day. I laid out the general idea in further detail to the members and 5 additional points to be discussed and expanded upon. Everybody was excited about the concept and continued to add in what they thought it needed or what we could do without, what should be left up to Captain. I would share those messages, but that would be giving too much about the project away…even though the EXACT details ended up in another project awayway, I’d still like to preserve what’s left.

The bottom line is this…when AWT was released yesterday, there were 3 main points in the AWT description that were taken VERBATIM from the 5 points in the opening of the project and from the subsequent add ons that were suggested a few messages down. Now, I understand that there can be general overlap of ideas because this is a spiritually based community and our imaginations are immense. I believe in synchronicity and the collective consciousness colliding. But I KNOW that that’s not how that happened. You see, @veh was the project leader of AWT and a member in my group. Not only that, there was another member in AWT who was also in MFCG as well. I’m not going to name that individual because I don’t think that person was being facetious. In the case of ST and Snow, the project leaders of AWT, this is the case. ST by his own admission said admitted once I pressed him that they were discussing MFCG and colluded to make push to make sure Captain got AWT done first because of they knew the ideas of MFCG would be reflected. Sniping and Snow were talking amongst each other about MFCG privately and added in ideas.

I know this because

  1. If you go to the original AWT thread, they this was one of the first things they tried to do. Combine an existing group project’s ideas and add them on to AWT. This would’ve happened had another member of the previous group ST was also apart of protested and stopped it from happening. Past behavior is an indication of future actions.

  2. If you were to look in MFCG group, I could show you exactly where they took and what they took.

  3. I’ve had other people PM me about this behavior on other project with the same parties involved. This isn’t anything new. I wasn’t going to make a big fuss because I don’t even do that on here. I say my peace and keep it moving. But telegraphing ideas privately between groups is a problem. People are supposed to act one way, but some people really aren’t like that. This is about money and capitalistic ideologies formatted to a spiritual marketplace.

My question to those reading is, If someone was already in a group that allegedly already had the same premise as yours and was already going to submit their project, what would be the need for joining your group? On top of that, the 2 leaders of that group already privately discussed your project’s similarities and pushed to get that one completed before yours, while still wanting to sit in your group and watch what you were discussing. Mind you, he and Snow were discussing my project privately, but I was told nothing about this until I pressed him about why everything looked so similar. He had no intention of telling me this and if I hadn’t said anything, neither would he. 2 members of the other group (which has been going on since March) ask to join your group and then magically, a week after joining your group, their project gets released with some of the EXACT WORD FOR WORD descriptions of things you discussed in your group. If this was you, what would you do and think? Am I wrong for at the very least finding this hella suspect? Be honest because I don’t feel like I’m wrong. I know everybody would love to just hold hands and get over it, but like I said, after I spoke up, people came in my PM and told me this has happened with examples…involving the same individual in question. Let’s keep it 100 and not just pick sides because you want to stay in good graces with someone. This is going on and it’s not right.

@veh I genuinely don’t even want to hear what you have to say. You’ve already shown what you’re about especially lying in the PMs going back and forth about the dates. You and @Snow were crazy disrespectful, especially Snow calling me out my name in my own thread and then lying in the PM like he didn’t know what I was talking about…that’s after you already told me he knew exactly what was going on…HE JUST DIDN’T KNOW YOU TOLD ME. See, ya’ll exposed yourselves by trying to cover your asses. The PMs and what went down in the group chat after you left for reneging on the invite tell a whole different story about you guy’s character. It’s private so I’ll still respect that. But if ya’ll only knew, you wouldn’t believe a word they say. Just know THEY’LL SAY ANYTHING NOT TO BE DISGRACED BUT I KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS. I know what it’s like when people are trying to run game and get caught and that’s exactly what it was. Say whatever you have to say to the public, but I already saw how you got down in private, so even of nobody else can see. I SAW AND I KNOW.


I’ve tried to do this to the best of the ability from the start. I’ve tried to be as fair as I can possibly be. And I have tried to show compassion even when it seemed someone was fully in the wrong. I really feel I’ve done my best with that even if I wasn’t always in the full on right.

But I’m not some enlightened being.I am not perfect. I get emotional as well. And sometimes I wish to express my emotions as I did a few moment ago.

I don’t want people thinking I’m this high and mighty righteous person because I’m not. I still make mistakes too.

And I get dissapointed as well. People having issues here isn’t always some private thing. It happens publicly for all eyes to see. Projecting that negative energy to the hundreds or thousands looking in here. And then I get brough to the middle of it and in being energy sensitive, I then take in that whirlwind of negative emotions. Dozens of times I’ve had to.

So yes, I do get a little frustrated because any problem in the forum becomes my problem. It’s a home I created and I care for it dearly. So to see these little fights in this spiritual sanctuary i hoped to create, can be a bit frustrating.

I am very aware and sincerely respect that we are all developing at different paces. My qualm is not with that. My qualms has always been with how we treat eachother. How we talk to eachother. How we resolve conflict with one another. It doesn’t have to get as ugly as it always does but it does.


I understand. I hope you didn’t take my comment as a comment on you. I’m probably being an annoying preacher which is my own ego problem.


Yeah i understand,

I wernt talking bad about you.

Shit, am just going to cross my fingers and hope you understood what am trying to say. :laughing:


Justice for all now bro that’s just plain evil

My deffense to the dispute.

Going straight to the root, all these ideas were shared in my group way before your project which Sammy can check in our thread and confirm.


Another false assumption and accusation.
I believe Sammy can check and join all PMs and will se I have not discussed with Snow about it at all and in a long time really about anything. Especially not in the last 8 days of your created project. Only after the release.


And we will show exactly where we had that written down a month or two ago already.

In fact anyone can check, This is the document that got made and anyone can check the edit history and see the last edit i did before the release was on 26. of July.

I am not aware of that, but would love to know more and not be yet again falsely accused.

I know that you don’t want to see it as it really is.

Your special creation was designed way before and its hard for you to accept it, it being so similar.

It was you who started calling names:

Back to your Q/A

As cap said no project is same, I am interested in different stuff, your introduction post did not seem the same to me. This part got me in, which we did not include in AWT (creating a personalized field):

but similar is in some other nft anyways lol

Again Sammy can check that same word for word that you noticed in our public thread can be found written long ago.

I would suspect the same.

I would however listen to what others have to say and check the obvious evidences.

And my dispute:

You are disrespectful to me and have broken a couple of community guidelines.

I have always calmly defended myself while you have only gotten more triggered and triggered.



This is what you just said to me in the group chat YESTERDAY. Dont’ forget all the things you said ST. You told us alot

Ya’ll were already talking about the idea and said you wanted a push to get AWT but yet you still sat up in the MFCG GROUP? Why else would you join another group that already has similar ideas if you were already going to get AWT done?

If what you say is true, then I can understand your frustration. That is a dishonorable thing to do.

I can easily confirm what you say if need be but I’ll allow the others to speak for themselves. If they lie, I will know. All information is available to me and if you delete something, I can still see it.

As for consequences, I will have to tell you now that there won’t be any in regards to their NFT. I can’t undo the NFT.

At the end of the day, the field was made by dream. It’s his work. People own copies of it. Those copies rightfully belong to the owners of course.


That was that person’s opinion (who asked me if its similar later) I answered to that person:

I believe I have already answered that.

Bro do you really want me to go into MFCG and SHOW The EXACT WORDS YOU TOOK? I would but like I said I’m not going to lose what’s left of a project we now have to salvage because you decided to take a huge chunk of what you got from us and add it on to yours. You knew you were discussing what we were doing, but told nobody in OUR group (MFCG) that you were discussing it amongst group members in AWT. Please man. stop with the BS. This has drained my energy and honestly left me disgusted. I need to get back to the group so we can move forward. You had things that were similar, but your finalized FULLY CONCEPTUALIZED ideas came from our discussions in MFCG. It’s no coincidence that you had your project finished for months, but didn’t really finish finish until after you joined the group. You were still editing the submission. I know because I can look at the words Sniping…they’re IDENTICAL smh.

Please can you openly clear this up and make a statement on it from your neutral position many thanks🙏🏾

Im sorry that you have to deal with the negativity we create here from time to time no mather who’s fault.

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Do as you wish, I have nothing to hide

I’m doing it now. I’m allowing you both to speak up for yourselves. The man said some things that were concerning as to the integrity of the project. You can either defend against it or admit there was some wrongdoing there. I can’t just disregard what he said and say let’s move forward. We must address feelings, as uncomftorable as they are to move forward.

This is the dispute thread. We are resolving this here and now.


We need you to check what I asked you in our group i tagged you in and see that this is madness.

I cant see where the integrity was was in anyway a concern from what i can perceive @veh joined there group because he thought its cool and will be complementary to the AWT when it gets made all that is included from what i can remember and see has been inside the project for at least a month which means 3 weeks before @wonderwandering group was conceived.

If it’s so similar and you already knew you were submitting AWT, why did you join my group? The premise of MFCG was already laid out clearly in the OP. If you already had these concepts in another NFT (that you say you’d been working on for months), what would be the point in sitting in another group?