Disputes Thread

Tiamat art is so beautiful!


If telling the truth is derailing, I guess. Nobody cares until it happens to them. Iā€™m still going to let everybody know what happened.

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truth isnā€™t but we have a thread for this, if it was your project you wouldnā€™t want someone derailing it talking about some other project or comparing it something else etc.

hence why i brought you here, iā€™m NOT trying to shut you down.

you seem pretty emotional about this and confident you are in the right so Iā€™ll like to see how this develops.

please gather what you have and share it with us :slight_smile: .


It funny how this is meant to be the most delveoped spirutal fourm (thats how i see it) but their are arguments everywhere.

I was going to comment a while back, that when i go back and read old threads for usefull info their is just arguments left right and center. But then i thought why even comment this it adds no value. Then somone thanfully brought it up.

Anyway thats my point, Doint hate me for it


Manā€¦ I get back to mutiple NFT dramas and I really donā€™t even know where to start. We really canā€™t have nice things, can we?


We can, but sometimes they kick up the subconscious junk :slight_smile:


Blame it on Mercury Retrograde and the Full Moon. A one-two punch. :slightly_smiling_face:


This is literally me going through the retrograde it. All hell can break lose but we decide how much we react to it.


Take ur time man, nothing except technical difficultuties would require ur immediate attention. Enjoy the honeymoon for a while longer, NFT disputes can wait.


Iā€™m totally with you on that, my friend! And sometimes, I even have the skillz to fulfill that intention that you and I share. :laughing:


I donā€™t think itā€™s there yet and I made this place.

It serioisly saddens me to see you guys fighting like this. To still see this day after dayā€¦ Dream brought back the NFT projects and boom, right back to this kind of thing. Do we ever change? Are we ever going to grow up?


maybe keep trying until we do ;)


All we can do. But we need to try harder. The increasing frequency of the bs is concerning. If we are here to grow, then letā€™s act like it.


I apologize for being a bit rash. Opening the forum to a bunch of flags and angry posts brought my vibe down a bit.

It is rather upsetting to see the same thing time and time again and no matter how many times me and you (cap) speak up against it and promote a better way of going about these things, we end up back to square one.

Iā€™m calm now. Iā€™ll still deal with these disputes as fairly as possible.



Evil pepe activated


I dont know if ur talking to me or just everyone. But i personally dont think i cause promblems, I dont even know what people are arguing about, It was too long for me to read. somthing about others stealling ideas from other groups.

But at the end of the day who cares, It just means more projects and more projects means that NFT u want to get is cheaper. So its a win win for everyone but saddly noone sees it that way.

The only perosn that I Know who sees it that way is @Ugninis that man doesnt care about his projects and happy gives them to the rest of the fourm so everyone can get them.

But hey i read some of the comments and i could be talking about somthing complelty different maybe somone is reading this and saying i have no clue what is going on, and they would be right.


Well, growing and developing ourselves towards enlightenment or overall, higher state of consciousness, takes lots of time, energy and patience, doesnā€™t it? :D

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Uh-oh! :laughing:

Maybe he gets PMā€™s that show the dark side

Plus mars retrograde. Plus outer planets retrograde.

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