Divine Elixirs- Equilibrium

This field can give you the energy of these elixirs:

Apple of Eden
Norse apple
Elixir of life
Holy grail

Just say which one you want and it shall do so. If you don’t mention any name then it won’t work. This field can only give energy of one elixir at a time.

There will be a paid version of this with much more upgrade and enhancement. But only get that one is this version is your liking.

(All the previous fields (every single on of them) in store are upgraded recently and refined for better efficiency and result. So they should work better than before. But no need to download or print again)

Free version


I don’t understand how fields that are paid (eg navapashanam) and others that were only available through a contest (ambrosia) are available for free with this mandala :thinking: .

I tell myself that if this one is on the Sapiens Medicine store, it means that it has been validated and therefore authorized.
:star_struck:… I find it hard to believe. I’m going to test it, we’ll see.

In any case, thank you very much :slightly_smiling_face::pray::heart::sunny:


After activation, how long is the elixir field activated? and how many times can it be activated?


Thats not the case though its an open marketplace managed by @SammyG


There isn’t any time limit mentioned.

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Technically, it’s not in the Sapiens Medicine store. It’s in the Marketplace, which features products of other creators.

I think you’re misunderstanding. There is no validation process and (I believe) the authorization process is minimal. Only the vendors are authorized, maybe even before they have created any products. Certainly, the individual products have not been validated or authorized by Sapien Med.


Thanks for your respons @WellBeing :wink:!!

How is it possible that these amazing fields are free?

I tell myself that for example the energy field of the elixir of Navapashanam is available for free on this mandala so I do not need to buy the audio version right now (I will buy it later)

Is the creator (Equilibrium) at a highly developed psychic level that allows him to recreate, like Captain Nemo, some complex energy concepts?

There are many creators out there that are psychic but I don’t think anyone is like captain tho. Heck not even close.

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And is “psychic” a necessary quality to create effective fields? Or are the important qualities to be able to craft energy, vibration and infirmation according to one’s will, research and desire?

I can’t speak about this creator but I’ve noticed that a few of them are veiled, distancing themselves from even their forum identities. This practice, coupled with scant information on the Marketplace, it’s hard to accurately determine what they may or mayn’t be able to do, and how.

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I think it’s ok for this field there is no problem (I will confirm in the coming days if I have other signs).

If it’s positive it’s cool :grin:

Q: Is this supposed to be a water charger or a ‘direct’ field?

I have tried Amrita (immortality) directly on myself and I’m definitely feeling something. Only for 1-2 minutes though, seemed like it was growing its effect on me. A couple of minutes later, it’s still ringing in my ears (one of my cues) and I’m still feeling it. What? I don’t know yet. Energy. A bit like after that first puff, warm in the face, slightly buzzy.
But then, in the charged water world, I don’t seem to be the most sensing. If I feel buzzy, another might feel more.

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In description its not mentioned about being water charger.

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She was asking about the Field in this post not about nft. The comment was edited.


@Josh I was just using the NFT descriptions for reference

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my apologies

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It’s free. Download it and see!

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Firstly, thanks to the creator for making this freely available.

I tried this and did not notice energies of say Navapashanam, Ambrosia, etc. What am I missing? Has anyone else tried it?


For my part there seems to be something with this mandala. I had mirror hours and pendulum tells me who works when I ask him the question. For energetic feelings I am not very sensitive so difficult to give an opinion.
I test the “Ambrosia” energy. We’ll see in a few days if there are any effects on my skin :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have!
I have been meditating with it for a few days
Don’t know really, but today it felt way stronger than yesterday
before i have been trying to use holy grail and didn’t notice anything as well, today i have finally felt it and it was pretty great :man_shrugging:
i’ve also activated few others - they worked fast, but i only know the energy of Navapashanam so can’t judge