I should have done this sooner; thinking about a title for this thread, Fantasia just passed through my head, because I recently saw a clip from that classic on a thread made by @Divine_Lotus, so I thought that you should be credited for this idea.
This thread, it will be made of fantasy stuff, from the depts of your imagination, to extraordinary philosophies and ideas, stories and legends, old and modern.
The realm of Fantasy and Magic.
Post anything you find fantastical, dreamy, philosophical or extraordinary, ideally weaved with your imagination.
I always (well, more precise, a few times) thought of the possibility that Life is but a Dream, a Huge Dream, perhaps similar to our dreams (a collective dream?), perhaps a thousand times more complex, yet, thinking about it, what of it, there is nothing but experience to gain or rather fantasies to experience.
{Now, I’m not saying this is the case, this is a thread about fantasies, fantastic ideas and thoughts after all.}