Do Higher Beings Care about Humans?

Im trying to have direct contact while meditating to angelic intercession,Alien intercession and asked them help.But I never Got any help.I have been doing this for over 3 months regularly.At this point I understood it’s a waste of time,Why did this happen.
Btw I never had any contact with them as well.


They help you with whatever they can. Sometimes they can’t do certain things due to your higher good. It happen for a reason and from that reason you learn to better yourself. I personally don’t know what you are going through. But just keep believing in yourself. There will be good breaks after the worst ones. And this is a promise you will see it. Don’t ask when. It happen when it’s your time to receive it


I had similar experience with Alien Intercession, used to play 45 minutes before sleep and meditated on it, only asked them for just guidance and nothing else, but, unfortunately never got any.

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Some care, some don’t.
Generally the intercession fields contact those who care.

Maybe they didn’t want to interfere with Your free will?
Also the truth is, everyone is different and every single field may not work for everybody.
Might be wise to try different fields if thats the case.
I always have negative response to anything “angelic” for example. I would feel anxious and dreadful, have bad luck and nightmares.
But with every other intercession field I tried I had results which varied from ok to great.
You might also be more “liked” or more in tune with one kind of beings than with another

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Well,I asked them to heal my disease.But They didn’t.Or Maybe My message never reached them?

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I don’t really think I have a free will, I don’t really know how to answer this but, everything I have ever wished for has never come true and things have only happened as per my planetary placements, I dont know if you understand what I am saying, irrespective of what I have tried but things just dont work, LOA, Neville, Assumptions, Ho’ponopono, touch wood some fields/NFT work wonders for me and I am so so grateful for that.

Of course they do.

But they are extremely good at reading the bottom of our hearts and mind, our primary intention when requesting anything, how much we believe in them, respect them and approach them.

Maybe you dont believe in them
Maybe you have mocked them in the past or whoever that believed in them
Maybe you are demanding when asking

I feel anger in you, and frustration, not judging you, i dont know your story, but im pointing out posible reasons why.

Just the tittle alone is judgmental and generalized when you being a member in this forum im sure has read hundreds of times other people’s testimonies, if you approach them with arrogance and high expectations with datelines, they wont ever help you it feels to me that you asked them because “they supposed to” but they dont have to just because they are channelled through an intercession audio.

They also have free will and choose where to blossom the seeds that are already planted in hearts around.


They will always be open to assist you and forget about how you approached them before, if only you speak from a place of absolute love or at least respect and faith for/in them.

If you dont even know how to plant that seed in your heart, then just have the courage and take the chance to speak to them with full vulnerability, explain to them what is happening, how you feel, why you need them, thank them for being willing to at least listening to you, tell them you understand if they cant do all you want or need but that you would embrace whatever they can or want

But with sincere heart and from a place of love.

Maybe before play some loops of ego dissolution, SLR, connection to the higher self, essence of faith and prayer AND Angelic Vibration, before you open ur heart to ask them anything.

Oh and also, since its concerning health, they would pay attention how much you are helping healing yourself, like if you have to change habits etc

Things i see youve said:

… you dont believe in them one bit, there is no sincere love and appreciation for them in your heart.

Work on that first or else just approach the regular way and use healing fields that can help you


You misunderstood me.Im not going to explain anything.Thanks for your reply.

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Brother my intention is not to judge you but sometimes we dont see things other people sees,

It looks to me that they way you ask for things or answers is a bit confrontational or demanding around the forum, i remember you made a post one time asking “everybody give your opinion” then when no one replied you commented “no one? Really? I thought this place would have people interested in this”

Am just saying, maybe the way you aks Higher Beings is the same way you ask things here, but if you dont want to explore possible reasons we suggest then youll go around in circles just focused on what you believe it is so or should be so.

Ill step out and i wish you to find what you are looking for

What have you been asking them for help with? And how have you been asking?

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I have Kyphoscoliosis.I asked Aliens and angels to heal my spine.I have been meditating and asking them.
I know that there are fields to those conditions.I used them and Saw some huge difference.But I reached a point where no matter How much I use fields my spine still looks the same.Actually My scapula sticks out of my shirt.

Well, if you haven’t recieved the help from them, then move on. Often, beings of such won’t interfere with things that are set on your path. It doesn’t mean that they reject you but that they see the bigger picture and that your disease is something you have to work through on your own (per your higher selfs journey). Or something else entirely. And I think I can see what’s going on here…

But reading into your posts and energy, you strongly reject your spine and the condition you have. It has made you very insecure and disdain your condition. That is completely understandable and I can only imagine the amount of limitations your spine has caused you. But… you are also your spine. You are rejecting yourself.

You are rejecting a part of you. No matter how limiting or ugly it is, it is still you. In the same way your hands are, your legs, your face and every part of your body. So as long as you are rejecting this part of you, its existence will be a wall against your flow. You can’t manifest healing like this. You can’t get help when you are working against your own energy.

It is essential to accept and love yourself no matter how diseased, how troubled, how low you are. It is what allows for healing, growth and expansion to occur. Otherwise, your energetic flow is working against itself. I don’t think higher beings can help too well under that condition, considering they are working from an energetic level. Whatever healing they do, your perception of yourself will eventually disorient the work. You have a self debilitating pattern developed from all the the time you’ve been experiencing this troubling disease.


Bro Can i Pm You.I want to ask some things privately with you