Do number have fields?

Hello peoplešŸ‘‹
Do you think every single numbers have field in it?
In my country and Chinese culture, numbers have fengshui meaning. For example, 68 mean blessing and fortune. 9 have meaning forever 5 meaning 5 kings and balance.
People choose their home number and mobile number based on fengshui meaning of number.

What do you guys thing about that? Do it have a field in it. For eg a phone number like 099999999 can bring good luck for owner?

Thanks :heart_eyes:


I think so. Especially with the single digit numbers. Iā€™ve used them as mandalas before and I think they work.

The first time I ever heard of anything like a mandala was years before I found Sapien Medicine. It was the news station covering a man who claimed you could make more money by simply carrying a piece of paper with the number 8 written on it in your pocket or briefcase.


Interested to see a mandala with number of 0

Nothingness or be zero


Could also be:

  • The never-ending circle of life
  • The Ring-Pass-Not

So many other possibilities than just the few we have here.

Back on topic:

Yes, but I think that sometimes they are not universal fields. What I mean by that is that the fields of the numbers are influenced by the beliefs of the population in which those numbers are found.

I remember one time when I had moved to a new town and was setting up back accounts in the local bank branch, which serviced a predominantly Chinese population. I was selecting a safety deposit box and the helpful bank officer was showing me boxes that were all along the ground. I asked if she had something higher, where I wouldnā€™t have to kneel in order to use it.

She did have something higher, but she told me that I wouldnā€™t want it. The box number featured lots of 4ā€™s (even adding up to 4), which was a number which meant ā€œdeathā€ to her Chinese clientele.

In my upbringing, I was taught 4 to have a very different meaning, so I briefly considered the ā€œ4ā€ box that didnā€™t have me doing asanas in order to use. But then I considered how many people (it was a busy branch) would be walking by my ā€œ4ā€ box (and how long theyā€™d been doing it, because it was an old safe in an old branch). Thatā€™s when I decided that, even though I had different beliefs, Iā€™d be spitting into a very consistent and powerful cultural ā€œwindā€ that I didnā€™t want to fight.

So, I picked a box that gave me a yogic workout instead.

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im going to keep a paper in my wallet with the number 28 now :money_mouth_face:




Tesla believed numbers 3, 6, 9 hold the secret of the Universe


This is so cool!


Would it be 33 or would the two 3s make a 6?

@lovelifesomuch please tell me that 33 is a good one lol

Found something

Thatā€™s nice, Iā€™ll keep it :grin:

Side note for everyone who felt discouraged not getting the number 28 from their birth date -
There is much more people with the number 28 than Musks and Bezoses. Your fate is not decided of this alone.

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Not a bad idea. :grin:

Wow! Thanks for sharing.

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You check out Grabovoi codes. Lots of numbers