Do premium fields work for you?

Lol, I remember listening to the Liver track from Six Healing sounds and my liver became like un-stuck from whatever position it had gotten itself into… not sure exactly how but it definately moved

Spleen as well, also heart. I think they all go together.


yes yes, just like our back and muscles get all twisted and contracted due to tension, sleeping wrong etc organs too lose their shape and position. amazing eh?!

im so mad i didnt get a chance to buy that audio or was it like 6 different ones right like the mandelbrot symphony, It was top on my list :joy::pleading_face:


Yep it’s six seperate tracks, all with lovely music.


It is remarkable the way emotions are held within the organs.

The Internal Alchemical Crucible is one I think can have similar effects.


ive deleted my suggestion cause you know…

i dont want to open a window that can be misused :roll_eyes:

and then ppl asking in PMs for the fields to be sent instead, with a pitty story lol

its like i can forseeeeeeen it already haha.

so, lets continue working with what we have.

this energy of taking advantage of things in a negative way that is ever present around, is the reason why we cant have good things :unamused::sob:

example = continue using the Premium fields even tho theres no way to pay Dream for the usage … and they were meant to be paid to use them.

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i love that one and use it here and there for a little punch yes

Yes, these audios definitely begin their work quickly.

Most of the results I saw came from only a few listens.

Personally I’m all out of servitors (not that I ever really made use of them unfortunately, too many tools to choose from and I never fully wrapped my head around them lol), but I think there are ones still available.

Be the Healer is still around? Fields can be directed through that way.

Be a good way to practise directing energies.

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Wait I think Become the Healer is part of the Energy Awakening Course…

Yep I’d forgotten it’s been a while

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oh yessss yess you could use the be the healer portal.

no that is not part of the EC

the EC does have an attunement to become a healer but its a literal energy attunement for you to pass on using your hands physically or mentally with intention. not like the portal

the Be The Healer v2 was never uploaded to Patreon only v1 (which is not a portal only sends the healing energy of the audio with intention where you wanted to go) v2 its the one that you can use as a portal sending other audios while that one is playing.

that is only on Odysee

but that cant be looped unless you download it as a Mp4 and play it on VLC app there you can loop it.

but its too much work lol dont worry lets see if the moderators let us create that post and then there are plenty ppl using servitors that way and plenty other audios id love to get sent like that haha

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How does v2 work then? You play both audios and send the energy by intention to whomever?

yes you have to use 2 devices, in one you play the be the healer v2 on loop and the other right in front of it, whatever audio or playlist you want to send and at the start you set the intention for those audios to go through the BTH all the way to so and so person. and thats it