Do premium fields work for you?

Hi guys,
It still doesn’t seem clear to me if premium fields work at this point . My current consensus was that they didn’t, but Sammy told me over email that for many people they still work.
I haven’t tried it in over a month, but I will tomorrow .

Just let us know down below if they work or not .

Like the respective answer or make a longer post if you wish .
Greetings :smiling_face::+1:t2:

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They still work.

They don’t work anymore.

Not sure.

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  • Premium fields still work
  • Premium fields don’t work
  • I’m not sure
  • I’ve no clue what this is about
  • Cheese fondue
0 voters
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this is not a matter of them working or not imo, unpopular but why are we still trying when they were deleted? has Dream mentioned that we could continue using them regardless of him having deleted them and not getting the subscription money? @SammyG

I personally dont feel it right to go over his decision.

and that logic that we did not mean to stop paying is just something said to feel ok about it or that there is some kind of inherited right or something because we were paying at the time of deletion.

you know all these logics people came up with over the years to surpass Dreams decisions and take advantage contributed big time to the ultimate outcome of him deleting everything.

Until he expresses otherwise I personally will not even try them.

I didnt want to say this but I think i rather do.

He is feeling much better now but still has not changed his mind re that. i asked him myself because trust me i, like everybody else miss them dearly, if there could be a way in the future to have them back or working and he said and I quote “no, its unfortunate but unlikely”

Do you fully want him back? then fully respect his choices even if they are in disagreement with what youd like right now.

Loyalty and Respect is all we shall give to a man that gave us so much.

its not what we do when people sees us what matters, its what we do when they dont.


Yeah 100% agree with you. Not gonna use them till dream says that we can. Period.


You’re implying that me using a premium field decreases the chance of dream “coming back” (whatever that even means ) or somehow deprives him in some vague energetic sense . I don’t see any reason to believe that.

Just to be clear: did you specifically ask him about premium fields ?

And obviously there is an easy way to avoid people using premium fields without properly compensating dream: sell them.
Even if it’s just for a weekend.
That would satisfy the side of people in need of the premium fields and that would satisfy people that fear dream might not be properly compensated.

I’m sure you’re aware that dream and Sammy are very tight. So if it really was the case that we weren’t allowed to use them then he wouldn’t respond to my question about premium fields by saying

"As for premium fields, they seem to still be working for quite a number of people. "

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Yeah, I don’t agree with not using premium fields (speaking about the “permanent” ones, not the subscription ones) you already have. After all you still paid for the service, imagine someone buying a field a week before everything got taken down and not being able to use it anymore, it would have been a bad investment wouldn’t it have?

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no one is here talking about other fields.
they work and will always work i dont know where you got that idea from, it has never said at all

I mean, the first reply to the thread is referring to subscription fields, while the op referred to paid fields in general. Also

Has he said we could not? Ofc assuming you got them the right way (i.e bought from him)

Now subscription fields obviously won’t work after the subscription has ended and you can’t pay anymore, but all the others should be fine

Aren’t paid fields and premium fields the same thing?

no, Premium fields mentioned here are the one from the Patreon Premium subscription

Ah. My bad then, I always considered premium fields all fields that require paying

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Cheese Fondue for the win!


I also have feeling that they are still working for me.

Yesterday, I did another listening session of Parasite Destroyer. After a few minutes, I felt significant pain in my liver, mainly on the right side. I had never experienced such persistent and intense pain in that area. I even had some dark thoughts about my health.

Today, I’m feeling a little better. I keep listening to Parasite Destroyer on repeat. I really don’t want to give this parasite any chance to develop. I am aware of the possible side effects of massive destruction of pathogenic organisms (e.g. Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction) . I adapt to my feelings as well as to the signs that are sent to me.

At the beginning of the coming week I will go to the pharmacy to get some milk thistle to support the healing of the liver.

I prayed to be able to use Hardcore Liver, at least until my liver heals. I have very powerful energetic fields for healing, but this one, Hardcore Liver, has a specific function for reducing inflammation. An inflamed liver disrupts bile function, detoxification, digestion, and many other essential processes.

Thinking back, this has been going on for a few years. The first sign was the color of my stool—it was light, sometimes orange or yellow.

Since I returned to my birth island I have lost a lot of fat mainly in the face, shoulders and I have also lost muscle mass. Some people have made this remark to me including my sister when she came to spend a vacation. However, I have a big appetite. The fact that I have to be careful with certain foods is part of my fat and muscle loss.

Right now, I’m listening to it, but I’m not sure if it’s working, even though I do feel some sensations in my liver (maybe due to digestion or something else).

My liver health problems worry me so much that my thoughts are a little troubled at times.
In this state it is difficult to get a feeling or a sign of guidance that would help me. There is a link between liver health and the health of the mind, the mental.


From a biological point of view, liver weakness does not allow it to filter and process all metabolic waste and other harmful elements, which means that it continues to circulate in the blood and has an impact on the entire body as well as the brain.

This field Hardcore Liver if it works will be of great help to me!!

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its worth mentioning that all emotions stuck in the liver, you can tell the real heart IS the liver. so maybe add fields that can help you with emotions, like the Emotional Mastery v2 Sammy lovingly gift us Patreon mebers level 6, maybe also emotional release, definitely the Release Fear of Failure from the Mental states album, forgiveness, become whole. hooponopono. mix them (the ones you choose) in the same liver playlist and when you are listening to it, rub your hand around the liver area, like caressing it and talk to it, dedicate the hooponopono one to it and add more words like “IM SORRY… for all ive put you through in my life with bad habits, PLEASE FORGIVE ME because i didnt realized the damage i was causing you and therefore me, THANK YOU for supporting me all these years and being strong as you can for us I LOVE YOU, thats why im healing you to bring you back to a perfect state to honor your presence in my life” and so on every time the video shows the words or you recognize when it changes the sounds.

also great to use phrases too with hooponopono is to think of the people that has caused you anger or pain, sadness etc or you to some if ever and youll see how liberating and freeing for the liver it is.

youll see a massive difference. I wish you fast and the best healing.


Thank you for the advice :relieved::pray::heart::sunny:!!! I will study and implement your recommendations.

additionnal information

I started working on this aspect, emotional healing. I use for this:

  • moldavite
  • Emotional release
  • Course audios
  • Energy blockage removal
  • Vibration riser

those are great too, i think the most important here is to bring the awareness and intention of the audios towards the liver. (and to mix them in the liver playlist so they understand the alchemy you are trying to bind)

you know audios are pretty smart at the end they are energy and so we can direct them with intention then they may focus on releasing and working the emotions IN the liver not for instance the heart chakra or thymus or sacral chakra where we already know emotions get trapped, but very few people know that the liver actually gets the biggest punch.