Do we use/lose our energy while processing/using the audios?

Welcome a newbie here. I made research but could not find how I can charge my energies to function better and utilize these fields better.

As the subject says,

I believe we wake up with a finite amount of energy every morning, get more energy by consuming food and beverages. Similar to our body burns calories to digest the food we consume to make more energy, do we use our vital/mental/physical energy to process the programmed audios?

If that is the case, what are the ways to charge/draw energy to our being? My primary aim is to listen to the fields without getting tired. I would really appreciate some keywords to research and learn.

Ideas that seem plausible to me.

  • Purchase crystals? (Which ones?)
  • Meditate and draw cosmic energy from the sky? (What is a simple and effective method/yoga?)
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Do yourself a favor and buy soul restoration core.

Loop as much as you can the first weeks, then never worry about energy again for the rest of your life.

It has a compounded effect too, so in the future if theres leakage/low energy, 1 listen will be enough to supercharge you again.


The Star Exercise @_OM posted on the forum in the thread below is not time consuming and excellent for this.

Edit to add: Some people have found The Flow of Jing, Jing Restoration, Pranayama Training and Pranic Swirls increase the number of fields they can listen to.

The Star Exercise and these fields can also refuel your energy system if you experience tiredness from too many fields.


if I listen to one field 50 times on loop, would that take more energy than if I listened to it 5 times? Do es the amount of times I listen to one field deplete my energy?


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The chi elixir, jing restoration, shen yang and pranic swirs fields will temporarily increase your energy

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Thanks, it does seem exactly what | need. Just a little above my current budget, but I’ll definitely give it a shot in the near future.

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I went undergo surgery and having a small scar in sacrum area! When I am trying to do pranayama, my energy leaks out straight away through a scar tissue because those death cells don’t have a life, so they don’t hold a life force inside my body!

In that case my vibration cannot be risen up?

Or could I rise up my vibration?

How could I get my energy back to normal and even make it grow?

Is this field gonna help me to restore my energy and permanently seal the leak?

Thank you!!!:heartbeat:

That is DEFINITELY on my wish list [quote=“anon28389016, post:2, topic:8453”]
Do yourself a favor and buy soul restoration core.

Loop as much as you can the first weeks, then never worry about energy again for the rest of your life.

It has a compounded effect too, so in the future if theres leakage/low energy, 1 listen will be enough to supercharge you again.

That is DEFINITELY on my wish list now!!