Do you guys think morphic ,quatium physic ,astral projection ,etc are Ashtar the commander of 40 legion of demons is behind the galatic federation,and of all this stuff ,like archangel gabriel or lucifer from supernatural tricking us with new age stuff and science ???I just saw something that’s confunse me and make me think alot
no to this.
Quite possibly to this.
I’d suggest not watching whatever that was.
If they are lumping “everything” together… then they are the one confused and just confusing you…
Me too.
None of the “abilities” have anything to do with Ashtar, the Galactic Federation, or the “40 Legion of Demons.”
Demons are NOT evil (this is a big period for me, there are no exceptions to this, and I don’t care who says what about it).
Abilities are NOT evil, and don’t “come” from anywhere else.
The Galactic Federation do not seem like our friends.
There are abilities and there are entities.
Abilities have been linked to evil entities for a very long time, but there is actually no correlation at all.
There are entities that teach abilities, but that doesn’t say anything about the abilities since you can attain them through different means.
When it comes to entities, they are just as people, I guess. There are people with good intentions towards another entity, neutral and well selfish or evil.
The truth is you don’t need any entities at all, since you got a direct connection to source.
So, don’t bother about that. Don’t accept any middleman, go directly to the source.
I agree with some comments above…
I think the best you can do now is do aura clearing from dream seeds channel and maybe exorcism video (for further clearing) and just never visits that website / YouTube channel / creator again.
IMO there’s alot of old programming trying to capture the new ones that are actively looking to free themselves without guilt, shame or apologies owed to tradition. The tradition was really rooted in enslavement with mass advantages for a particular group while masses of people stayed and perished in ignorance with no knowledge of themselves (inner or outer).
There are definitely people out there sipping the New Age koolaid…but I’ve been almost exlusive to my own intuition Sapien’s stuff and one other person for almost 7 years now. I have questioned and re-question the validity of what he’s offered and why I’m seeking this stuff 100’s and 100’s of times. It just has come to me as a knowing that this is what’s appropriate for who I am. Some people go way over the top with it and push it farther than I’d like to go. Some stuff is simple “see-through” and flimsy and spiritually it doesn’t cut it for me.
If you’re here, I think you’re in a pretty safe space to advance yourself and with a community that will honestly try to help you reflect and empower your growth. Don’t let confusion and fear penetrate what you are trying to build because I think now more than ever there are agendas around that are intentionally hoping to conflict and eventually impede the progress of the ones who are awakening for the benefit of the whole.
Just my take. Peace
Maybe that’s why they create the book of enoch to counter attack thise bilief but I got it ,thanks you guys ,alsow there s someone who name Steve barcaz who was a almost ah guru ah he let those stuff because christ save him lol
Ok, I don’t know if it’s ok to revive an old topic, anyway, I found your explanation quite useful.
I get the part with the entities, but what about “the source”: what or who is that and how to connect with it? Is it (also) within?
It is I AM, as it is called throughout the world.
You connect to it by closing your eyes and becoming aware of existing
Thank you!