Do you take breaks?

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  • No

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While perusing the forum I’m come across conflicting opinions on taking breaks from listening so I’m curious what others think!

On one hand I’ve read talking a regular day off can be good for you. On the other hand I’ve read that missing a day of listening would impact the momentum of the fields work in a negative way.



i think missing a day of listening and it impoacting the fields work is only applied to physical fields

feel free to take breaks from others, i do myself and it helps greatly with results


Good question.

May depend a lot what stack, what goals, what intensity are you pursuing. But generally, once in a while, why not. Especially if u feel a bit tired, overwhelmed or in need of some peace and calm.


Not from fields in general, but I cycle different ones depending


@Mouldytea That makes sense I guess. I’ve been regularly taking Sundays off of all of most of my fields as a recharge day because of advice I’ve read here but maybe I’ll just do a shortened version of my stack instead.

@Powren I think a good example might be my fitness stack. I have health stuff in there but I mainly use it for weight loss/strength. Considering it’s generally recommended not to strength train daily would using this stack a few times week still be effective just like how working out a few days a week with breaks is still effective?

@Jen I’m similar! I have the main stacks that I’m listening to but cycle other ones in an out as needed/desired.


Not a single day break listening to fields in last 5 years!
I listen to min 20 these days + 20 other tags I carry.

There were days I used to listen 50+ fields + carry 30 different tags…
There were also days that I disciplined to listen only 8 fields morning and evening 2 hrs each time for around 6 months ( all slr type and increase vibration ones) and that gave me the best foundation for years.


I do take breaks, but they’re irregular - they mostly happen on their own in the course of livin’ the life. :slight_smile: So I get a “break day” every now and again. Oftentimes after a break I feel the immediate effects of the fields more strongly which is reassuring.

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I used to take breaks but now not so much. Reason why was because I used to get so fatigued from using the fields. Especially the plasma flaunt. Turned out I had a case of appendicitis brewing and the field was working hard on my body… now I don’t get tired so all good I can keep going daily.


I take Sundays off from all fields except for 2 loops of Deep Aura Cleaning…


Same here. I take Sundays off from all fields, practices, energy audios and plan a trip to the beach or the mountains so that I ground and create space for the mind and body to rest.


I think it is good to take breaks, especially for the nervous system, it is like lifting weight, you must give it a rest for a few days so that the muscles grow and get stronger, otherwise overtraining will do more harm than good. The same thing happens with the nerves, although they are always active but they repair/regenerate in states of lower or normal activity.

People with a stronger nervous system may need fewer breaks.


I am truly envious of your ability to plan weekly trips to the mountains! I have “beaches” nearby but I’d love to be situated somewhere with easier nature access!


Yeah… I thought of that when I was writing it. Not everyone has access to both and in some cases some people have to none. I am blessed and lucky on this :slight_smile: