Does Androstenol for Men work for online interactions?

Will the androstenol for men audio also shift the way that people respond to me online or over the phone? If they can’t actually physically “smell” the pheromones?


Well it can make you act certain way… so you’re energy might carry over through your texts but I’m not sure


cool!! awesome!!!

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I read the comments, and one of the comments was, that girls messaged the guy after listening to Androstenol audio…


oh wow!!! that’s good to know!



Say no more!.. listening to androstenol now… lol


I listen everyday :pray:.

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Can confirm. My interactions and replies have increased on Instagram stories and my last ex that I haven’t seen in months is chasing me again.


Wow :open_mouth: I never thought of that but it could very well be, bc there’s a girl that I’ve had interactions with online for a few years of time n it was pretty much almost dead but I listened a few occasions to the Androstenol among other n we’re better off today than before so… cool!


Apart from what people already said, you should also consider that your assumptions literally create your experiences. I saw many people, men and women, who used fields, frequencies and subliminals and who reported that after using them, they got messages on social media when before they didn’t get any.
This is because these fields, frequencies and subliminals help you shift corresponding assumptions in your subconscious mind.

Lol just saw they already shared their experiences here : P

Lol no worries, I actually second what you said. I have a experience where I somehow thought that about 6 different girls were jealous of the one girl that I focused my attention on, n here’s the thing… it took bout half a year then those 6 girls gathered up n targeted the 7th girl in a massive expression of pure jealousy n rivalry, they were going for to literally crush her. So with that said… be careful of what you focus too much of your thoughts on bc sooner or later it’ll actually physically manifest into your life!


After seeing this thread I started listening, and after 3days girl i havent seen in 2 years messaged me that we should grab a beer so I guess it does



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Androstenol is a pheromone, so only when people are around PHYSICALLY, how is this possible ? I’m curious

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Well it depends on the energy of the person, some have developed an intelligent energy system that can i would say transfer an intent (attraction of androstenol) using telepathic ability (remote influence or remote call) to call on someone. It takes time to develop these things, but using chakras and energy course, and audios abilities… Will shorten times. Some of us can do it just by pure intent but it will take some time to manifest. but using androstenol audio gives a big push so it happens instantly or few hours ahead.


Everything is connected/interconnected.


It is possible, its well known in radionic community. How is that possible nobody is sure, but you can influence everyone with your mind…
It must happen to you when you thinking constantly about some thing it manifest after some time. Crazy world :smiley:.

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In addition to the replies you’ve already received, I want to share that, even with the actual, physical chemical pheromone, “self-effects” are a known phenomenon. The term “self-effects” refers to the effects that the pheromone has upon the wearer.

So, by way of explanation, this field (like almost all of dream’s fields) will have “self-effects” on the listener, which then changes how they interact with everyone in their experience, no matter where they are located.

When we look at this field in that way, it’s not hard to imagine the listener’s responses and response timing and attitude shifting in ways that are perceived as more attractive by the online friends in these reports. As the listener’s behavior shifts, the perceptions and reactions of the online friends can shift accordingly. As the online friends’ perceptions, reactions and thoughts shift, they can become more attracted to the.field listener–even without being anywhere where they could be directly in contact with any actual chemical pheromone. Does that make sense?


Remember everyone has etheric body, aura is irradiation of it. Since you are connected you can transmit information to his energy field. It sound like bullshit, but use some radionic software, and machine you should notice it…


Oh! Nice then ! Thanks for the explanations boiis :+1: