Does anyone else here feel kind of sick after junk food?

I notice that as I’m getting physically stronger I’m starting to find junk food disgusting. Like a good example, pizza, it tastes good but my body is saying no.

Checker’s chicken burger, again…I feel lethargic from eating this now.

I’m about 5 7 and my weight fluctuates between 140 and 145 and I’m 29.

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For a period of time I was like that.
But I don’t know what happened. Now I can simply eat junk food, even feeling good afterwards. I can’t truly explain why. I haven’t been using enhanced nutrient absorption either.

Somehow, my guess is, that my subconscious was working for me, thinking and believing “Junk food is no good and you feel like crap afterwards”. My guess is I have overwritten this subconscious pattern.

Now, granted, I’m obviously not having 10 burgers every day. It’s usually more like “wow today I just gotta have that special menu with extra fries :fries:”, so that happens every other day. There are times where I simply don’t want it for a couple weeks. There are also times where it’s more frequent.

I’d say it also highly depends on personal goals


Junk food is vibrationally low and bad for your body.
If you’re now starting to take care of yourself, your frequency is shifting and going up to match your new reality. So basically, the low vibration junk food is clashing with your high vibration need to get some proper nutrition in.
Your subconscious mind probably realized the numerous implications of consuming that crap and is now rejecting it.
(Just my two cents)


Either higher sodium content or higher fat content are first guesses, especially if potato fries go by as a side dish, try cooking the same but without added salt and minimum to none added fat.

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Junk food is full of chemicals: humectants, emulsifiers, flavourings, colourings, all processed together for that good mouth feel and taste.
Once you start eating non processed food all the time you’ll wonder why you ever ate processed food

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I have become very self conscious of my body lately. Especially the midsection area.

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