The one technique that I mentioned above, BSFF (“Be Set Free Fast”), is one of the most powerful techniques that I know of and I would still use it everyday if there wouldn’t be tech like Sapien Medicine morphic fields. I highly recommend to use it in combo with morphic fields.
Why do I believe that BSFF is so powerful?
Because you are basically giving your subconscious mind an instruction to work with and solve the problems that you are stating automatically. With this technique you do NOT need to first know and find out the deep layers of the problem. The subconscious mind already knows where all the problems came from and what core beliefs they are based upon and therefore can solve these for you by itself. With this technique it is the subconscious mind that is doing the work and reprogramming for you! Highly effective and impactful.
From my personal experience here are the “power levels” of the tools for comparison. And with power I mean the tool’s potential to change and reprogram one’s subconscious mind effectively:
Saying positive affirmations, visualization, positive thinking, NLP etc. – Power Level: 1-5
BSFF – Power Level: 200-500
Sapien Medicine Morphic Fields – Power Level: 400-10,000
Sapien Medicine fields trump BSFF in all areas where it comes to physical changes and where the fields are automated and/or smart, i.e. the fields scan your energy and subconscious mind and collaborate with it to solve an issue.