Does anyone know how to reprogram the subconscious effectively?

Morphic fields by Sapien Medicine :smirk:


Google PSYCH-K. It’s the method endorsed by Dr. Bruce Lipton (author of the book Biology of Belief). Only downside is you need an experienced practitioner to accurately determine which beliefs need to be replaced with some thing more empowering.

I strongly recommend reading two books !!!

  1. The power of your subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphey
  2. Feeling is the secret by Neville Goddard.
    Some plus Advice you will reprogram your sub.mind fastest if you are in theta brain waves.
    You need to relax close your eyes bread deeply, And then you can Visualise something over and over or Affirm to yourself. This is the process but I had very quick results after reading this books

The way you phrase it, you kind of undersell this magnificent tool. It’s the only thing you need.

That, plus I’ve heard rumors there’s apparently someone who can design Sheldrake based fields, i believe they have a very active forum, and quite a significant YouTube channel :smirk::stuck_out_tongue:


The following statements and advice are 100% personal opinion and experience only:

I have been reprogramming my subconscious mind for the last 13 years since I first discovered EFT, BSFF and Subliminals and later also many other methods, including Sapien Medicine morphic fields.

My personal preference was always mostly on rather working with methods, techniques and tools, than with active visualization, magick or meditation.

I believe that the whole process of reprogramming the subconcious mind is totally worth it for literally everyting in life, as the subconscious mind controls almost all of our behavioral patterns, emotions, thoughts and therefore, Manifestations.

As I changed my beliefs and programs about certain topics, so did change the manifested reality for me. Therefore I am a strong believer in that one’s subconscious programs, feelings and beliefs do manifest most of one’s life and personal reality.
I still have a long way to go and reprogramming is a type of personal work that probably never ends – at the same time we have more and more powerful tools at hand to do these changes.

I found that there are many many different methods and tools out there to do the reprogramming. Most of the tools marketed out there are as effective as a water drop in a desert in my experience.
But once in a while one stumbles upon a technology that really works amazingly well beyond what one would consider possible. Sapien Medicine morphic fields is one of those truly well working technologies. So everyone reading this means you are then already aware of one of the most powerful tools that are out there. Congratulations :partying_face:

But here the actual tip that I wanted to give:

It is of utmost importance, not only what positive stuff you feed into your subconscious mind, but also what negative stuff you leave out and not feed into it.

Just think about it.
Let’s say you’ve been listening to morphic fields for 2 hours and meditated/visualized for 1 hour of what you want.
But then you go on Social Media and YouTube and browse there for hours through irrelevant stuff with negative click-bait headlines and recommendations and people with fear/lack mindsets, watch TV and commercials for hours, listen to Radio in the background, maybe spend time on adult websites, meet and talk to negative people at work and in social life etc.
What will have the stronger impact on the subconscious mind?
A few hours of positive reprogramming or the rest of the day of absorbing society’s mostly negative and fear-based mainstream input?

In my experience, the reprogramming of the subconscious mind takes places the faster and the more efficient, the less contradicting messages it is getting throughout the day. The more input one cuts out that is not aligned with what one wants to install, the easier the reprogramming will take place.

In our society, people constantly absorb so many negative messages throughout the day (sometimes for 12-16 hours ! ) and then wonder why morphic fields/subliminals/other tools only work so slowly or not at all for them. This maybe one of the reasons.

If you want all the tools and fields to work faster and be more efficient in your reprogramming journey, remove everything from your life and awareness that is programming you otherwise.

Those negative messages from news, radio, social media feeds etc. are also lowering one’s vibration and bringing one back to the average level of the society. Lower vibration means less manifestation power.

I personally have no TV device, seldom watch movies and series and only empowering ones, avoid news, do not browse social media feeds, deleted all adult content, installed a YouTube recommendations blocker, avoid negative people etc.
All with the goal to expose my subconscious mind to as little contradicting messages as possible.
YouTube recommendations and social media are especially toxic from my point of view, because people are quickly browsing through hundreds and thousand of headlines, thumbnails, pictures and messages, every single day – and the subconscious mind is picking up all of them like a sponge (like as if they would come from a subliminal).

So this is my tip. It is not only about what you install with tools and methods, but also about avoiding the constant mainstream brainwashing of fear, lack and powerlessness that goes against what you actually want.

We are very blessed that Sapien Medicine fields are so powerfull that they are able to give people progress despite the daily waves of contradicting messages from society and social media that most people feed themselves with.


You can start with this, if you haven’t done it yet. It’s one of the best audios of SM and can change your mindset for your benefit. Just listen to it twice daily.


Second this. I’ve been doing Psych-k for quite a few months now. The results are subtle but they’re definitely working. The only downfall is it’s expensive if you really want to dig into things. There are so many thoughts to “undo” related around any single issue that I’ve spent WAAAYYYY more than I ever thought I would have and probably never would have started this process had I known.


Another inexpensive choice is The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Do-it-yourself way (muscle testing) to uncover subconscious emotions and release them. book is on amazon but he did a 3 or 4 part series on Gaia telling how to do it. Also any Ernest Holmes books, such as How to Change Your Life and The Master Key System by Charles Haanel available online for free.


Try find works from Dr. Emil Coué and see what he did and how, with others successfully, long before Joseph Murphy and others… it’s simple simple method before bedtime, but powerful… good luck


The one technique that I mentioned above, BSFF (“Be Set Free Fast”), is one of the most powerful techniques that I know of and I would still use it everyday if there wouldn’t be tech like Sapien Medicine morphic fields. I highly recommend to use it in combo with morphic fields.

Why do I believe that BSFF is so powerful?

Because you are basically giving your subconscious mind an instruction to work with and solve the problems that you are stating automatically. With this technique you do NOT need to first know and find out the deep layers of the problem. The subconscious mind already knows where all the problems came from and what core beliefs they are based upon and therefore can solve these for you by itself. With this technique it is the subconscious mind that is doing the work and reprogramming for you! Highly effective and impactful.

From my personal experience here are the “power levels” of the tools for comparison. And with power I mean the tool’s potential to change and reprogram one’s subconscious mind effectively:

Saying positive affirmations, visualization, positive thinking, NLP etc. – Power Level: 1-5

BSFF – Power Level: 200-500

Sapien Medicine Morphic Fields – Power Level: 400-10,000

Sapien Medicine fields trump BSFF in all areas where it comes to physical changes and where the fields are automated and/or smart, i.e. the fields scan your energy and subconscious mind and collaborate with it to solve an issue.


Agree with many of the suggestions here…

I mention the XM forum every so often because back in the day, we would discuss all these different modalities. (They were all “new” back then)
We would muscle test all of them. People would give their experiences. It was great.
Ask Mao. :stuck_out_tongue:

So when I say,

the “you name its” were the above suggested modalities.
I still use advanced and highly modified version of some them.
(Psst… teach your servitors to apply them to you)

But again truth be told, we’ve incorporated alot of the best concepts of these modalities into even the OLD fields …like the original SLR in particular, without necessarily saying “this is from/like X modality over here”

As you can see, we even recently take ones like Heart Brain Coherence and turn into a super jacked up version of the thing.

I’ll mention Spiritual Technology by Zivorad M. Slavinski as one of the top ones again. (Can search my old posts to see my comments)

But other than that, SM morphic fields win…


Interesting. This may be be off topic, but I would like to learn more about how you apply muscle testing to assess fields.


Technically we were doing Consciousness Calibration Testing via David Hawkins method using his Map of consciousness.
But we also had a few trusted sources that would use pendulums and … sigh… @Maoshan_Wanderer who’s your and Sphinx’s teacher I’m thinking of? lol can’t remember the name right now


Raymon Grace?


lol old XM person knows :pray:

yes, Raymon.


louise sea is really good :+1:

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just happened to see this.
Raymon Grace
I love that guy
his pendulum is a bullet on a chain (his wife makes them for him)
and his southern accent and charm
are legendary

The Smart Tap Tapper :point_right::relieved::point_left:

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