I did not always get results from fields (for the most part I actually DID Get Good Results, throughout 1+ year of using fields), I mean not fully and also not always instantly or immediately after listening, but I did get results, even if weaker or slower.
There were and are many reasons or at least a few reasons for this, mostly having to do with my internal processes, my own energy, my health, etc., and whenever I do Chakras Work I see BETTER/FASTER Results, but somehow I also saw better results due to unexpected actions (or maybe slightly expected actions/results), like using an app to clear/clean my phone speaker from water and other particles being stuck there and using my phone on a higher volume, at least medium volume, also using a mono speaker on mono settings brought results, otherwise no results.
Now, regarding volume, we might argue that it’s just a preferance and maybe placebo (due to me thinking in terms of higher volume = more far energy or something; or I expect results IF I hear the sound), but the others, i think they are legit.
Anyway, these were/are My experiences and not Others, so I’m not saying that others are wrong either.
Edit: There were a few times that I did listen on almost inaudible volume and one time it shocked me how good the results were, but for the most part, the results seem weaker (again, it could be just my impression/expectation).
My Vote