Does one of my bodies need fixing or?

Hey, anyone have insights on this

So whenever I’m waking through different environments, it seems like there’s less than positive emotions in the environment, and seems like I pick up that energy.

When I’m with other people, they don’t seem to pick it up. When I pretend I have an aura/energy shield around me, I stop feeling those less than positive feelings.

What is your question? The way you have it worded makes it hard to know what you want to know.

Why does it seem like I’m the only one being affected? Do I have to consciously put up an imaginary shield when I go out to not feel those feelings?

I have ran aura and energy body repair


That’s normal if you have either 1) a finer gradient of energy than most people 2) a more open and flowing energy body than most people or 3) both of those factors (and they tend to occur together).

It’s not a problem per se. Its just that most people in the world don’t pay attention to those layers and they exist in disarray and shambles. People tend to not feel because they have neglected those layers to the point where they have collapsed and aren’t much different than the normal dense physical layers (i.e. non-responsive)

An aura shield can help. It’s a way of using your mind to create a pattern that interferes with the unwanted patterns. Pre-existing shields also exist in the NFT market.