Does the auric deep cleanse

purge any field i used prior?

Lets ssay i used hyperbarric oxygen if i used the deep aura cleanse afterwards will the effects of oxygen go away?

Cheers :D


If you are referring to this video…

Then the answer would be yes. From the description…

“This will clear out everything and wash over you helping you to return to being fresh and clean. I don’t not suggest you use this after other energy work or (subliminal) since it will likely clear out those energies as well”

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Here is a previous discussion about a similar question:

Okay interesting, so as long as you wait 2-3 hours you’ll be fine. I wonder how this works with fields like

I would of thought it would of cleared it because the description reads
“This ‘attraction of abundance’ lasts for about 8 hours then fades aways slowly”