Does the Draw Like Minded Friends mandala bring to the surface and release social anxiety?

Last night I made a photo collage with the following mandalas:

Draw Like Minded Friends
Repel Negativity
Draw Luck
Best Path in Life photo
Confidence (+Fear Reduction)

Since then I’ve had a pretty big release of social and romantic anxieties. A consistent outpour of realizing why I haven’t found the right romantic partner, and recognizing my social faux pas.

I don’t know if these are considered social faux pas to those around me, but I am feeling like a dunce right now. I had a conversation this morning in which I confidently said things I now consider a social faux pas.

Does Draw Like Minded Friends utilize the capability to purge blockages and behaviors? The description is short and to the point and I thought perhaps is assigned to only draw forward those who are like minded. I would like to pinpoint exactly where this is coming from……Maybe it’s coming from BPIL? I’ve had BPIL up for the last week without any releasing. Or, perhaps it’s not coming from a mandala at all!

I ended up removing Confidence + Fear Reduction and the intense/aggravated release stopped. Dunno if emotional release is an intended ability of that mandala, or if the combination led to it. Feels much softer, sweet, now.

To me it is logical that in order to become more confindent and release fear, you would also have to release all the negative emotions stored in your system that would prevent you from being confident and fearless.

Which means these fields are really powerful as they are not just making you more confindent by a few % points (which may still be within your baseline range) but are actually working deep on your issues and releasing them.

Typical ascension symptoms.
Don’t get discouraged by this and just do your best to push through this dark phase.
Because the sun at the end of this tunnel will shine brighter than it is shining for you now.

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Op for some reason I didn’t see your comment until now. Thanks for the input.

I’ll use the collage with the confidence mandala at timed intervals, now that I know it’s the one cleaning me out. It is a potent mandala.

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