Don't want to be party breaker but

I’ve listened to a bunch of his podcasts now and find them very insightful. Plus he has some fascinating guests like that magician recently. In many of his podcasts he did mention he was rather wild at high school and beyond, so I can guess what that means :grin:


Bro can have a consensual non-con RP dungeon for all I care. When it comes to anyone’s sex life, are you doing anything without the consent of the participants (active and passive) at the moment it occurred? Are you doing anything that is or is related to exploiting children? No? Carry-on.

I specify consent in the moment because hindsight consent is a whole bag of throws it at the lawyers. They can figure it out because both extreme sides have valid arguments which is usually when we get to “take it to court”.

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I tend to go the other way. While MLK’s message was both elementary and revolutionary—short version: everyone is a child of God, so let’s treat each other that way—it was his conduct, the carrying that message into hostile places, in a non-violent manner, suffering all manner of threats and even dying for it that that pounded that message into the national psyche.

His human, all too human flaws while shocking (especially as he had been something of an American saint) can also remind people that despite their sins and flaws, they are not barred from trying to make the world a better place.

It is perhaps noteworthy MLK’s sins have to do the opportunities/situations that arose for him as the leader of movement; success creates new problems. He wasn’t so much a reformed sinner as a man who caved to temptation (there but for the grace of God and all that).

Of any message, I think people believe them in a fractured, conflicted, kaleidoscopic manner; soldiers may, at any moment, love their country, but they fight for each other because that’s what humans do.

Huberman. I saw SoulStar’s just after reading the news about Huberman. I just thought he was going to have a rough patch ahead.

I do think his behavior probably distorts his relationship musings somewhat.

From the DailyMail quoting one of his podcasts:

‘And so… then by definition can’t be long-lasting. You can’t have the long-term affairs with six different partners.’

‘Yeah,’ said Mr Huberman, ‘unless he’s, um, juggling multiple, uh, phone accounts or something of that sort.’

So that seems more like a guy trying to workshop his life with a podcast guest than distill some neurology paper for the general public. Maybe his relationship advice will be conflicted, but getting some sunshine everyday still seems right as rain.

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Yeh, we all have huuuuge guts for incarnating here. This is for sure quite a brutal game. As you say, beings in other planes don’t quite experience the friction of duality like they do. They have it easy compared to us lol.

But yeh, I’m getting to a place within myself more and more where negativity and positivity are one in the same. For example, my ego saying things like ‘you’re a dumbass. you’re so stupid for doing that. So cringe, such a failure, ext…’ would usually be felt negatively. But lately, it’s just a neutral thought and I accept the side of me saying those things to the extent that there is no friction. The thought just comes and goes effortlessly.

And I accept that shadow side of me so much, that I even embrace when it says these things and accept ‘its side of perception…’ I partly do this because I am a dual being composed of negative and positive, so I will always have ‘such thoughts.’ In embracing this side, I remain in a neutral state when such thoughts arise and am able to just choose to react or feel how I feel.

And yes, those kinds of self loathing thoughts do lessen more and more with time, and get replaced with an ever present state of unconditional self love. Even then, those ‘self loathing’ thoughts really do stop becoming ‘self loathing’ and become just ‘thoughts’ when we learn to accept and be in flow with them.

Now here’s a trick. Might not get it today but you will get it one day and it really is kind of a shortcut. Consider this, every thought that arises is still a reflection of your higher self. Everything you are, is your higher self. Even your ego. Yes, your higher self is in essence your souls journey but it is also universal consciousness compressed to a singular form. Your higher self is ‘source/god/universe’ or whatever you call it. And so eveything you experience, everything you see, everything you think, everything you’ve done and are is divine. Is source.

It’s all ‘divinity’ and when you learn to see the divinity in all of you, especially the worst of you, it neutralizes everything within and brings it back to ‘beingness.’ And of course, being able to see the divinity in everything. To see that it is all source. Even the worst of the world. Being able to see this, is basically awareness through the eyes of ‘god/source.’ And through that awareness, it becomes easier to dissolve into unconditional consciousness which is free from the bounds of duality/ego.

Sorry if that sounded confusing lol. Don’t have much words for these sorts of things yet and I’m only doing my best to share me and dreams findings on these sorts of things. I do frankly believe that a number of you will come to realize such things on your own on the path.

Keep walking it. I am very confident that a good number of you will reach quite far and find the kind of inner peace and freedom that some would kill for in this lifetime.


I assume you’re just venting. I only mentioned this because someone said he’s having better days and I looked up what was going on in his life. I don’t quite think that all the sudden all the advice he’s given is completely useless because he cheated on his girlfriends. Not the way life works.

I agree with this sentiment. I think that flawed people should still try to make the world a better place. Try to still do the right thing. Otherwise, if we keep waiting for saints to do it, we might just be waiting forever.

And yeah, I have lots of love for MLK. He was a true G to the core. That’s the part of fighting with love that lots of people tend to misunderstand when they judge it as ‘weakness.’ To meet hostility with the resilience by taking on a beating yet still profess love for the world and work towards peace, takes far more galls than just fighting against hostility.

It’s very easy to return the negativ energy others give you, rather than get negative energy and not let it bring you down, while you instead send uplifting energy. That is a high form of alchemy that that takes SOUL to achieve. Heck, it takes willing to die for change to go that far.

That’s the kind of heart I hope to see more of in this day and age.


@SammyG i dm ed you on different subject. thank you!

It was a pure sarcasm moment with :roll_eyes: energy :laughing:


loll yeh I figured bro. Was just making sure.

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He has a long list of DMs from many people. I think he said it at least once that you shouldn’t chase him in public threads to go into your DMs. Maybe bump it after some time, but if everyone started to mention DMs they sent to Sammy, it would get flooded up.

If he hasn’t too full schedule, he tries to get to messages eventually. And if he cannot, chasing him won’t help.

Consider if it isn’t something that mods can answer.

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Thanks @Powren

I’m answering DMs today so I’ll try to get to it.

That being said, sometimes pms do get lost in the sauce. So if I don’t answer in the next 2 days, pm me again.


I read here and there that based on our “consciousness” and development we will reincarnate on higher or lower planes.

Is it possible that reincarnating on earth is not exactly a choice ?

Maybe we’re not brave for being here, it’s just what we matched with or deserve

If it “sucks”, maybe it’s not a choice to be here lol
I mean, the source right… but on a more individual level

Doesn’t take too much creativity to come up with this idea. Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden.
It’s an old tale

A lot of people describe this reality like a jail. It’s most likely not bravery and guts that gets you in jail.

It’s nice to think that people reincarnated poor and sick in war torn countries because they thought it would build their characters the most. It’s certainly uplifting. It grants one a measure of nobility and hope.

But idk, I’d choose an easier life… you know… if I have the choice. There’s plenty we don’t choose.

There’s a lot of layers between us, our higher-selves and the “source”.


Well yeah that too. Evolution of consciousness theory is just that you start from the lower forms of consciousness (bacteria) and move up from life to life and incarnating as a human is another step in the ladder. Part of the game is that it’s very hard to transcend beyond human consciousness and can take many lifetimes to climb beyond this part of the ladder.

That makes a lot of sense to me too.

That being said, I think it ‘sucking’ is only something felt by ego. To your higher self, it’s all play. It’s all good.

But yes, everything in planet earth is eating eachother alive so how the hell can this all be good. Even humans eat eachother alive in all sorts of ways (exploitation, energetically, sexually, ext…). But when you consider it’s just the universe doing this all to itself, it really ain’t much. Eternity is forever and since the universe exploring infinite possibilities through each fragment of itself, expansion is expressed through the energy exchange of negativity/positivity (entropy/negentropy).

But still, from my human sammy perspective… there a billion other things I’d rather be haha. So I’m with you on that.

Random question, if you guys HAD be something other than human in this planet, what would you be?

I think I’d want to be a tree haha :sweat_smile: They seem to live very chill or zen lives.


But linear time and even time itself is tied to matter and that only applies to here and now, on this 3D level.

If we believe in reincarnation than we sorta admit life goes beyond matter itself. Out of the body and the physical planes.

Plus, if there is no beginning nor end, only cycles. Than explaining it chronologically is not really an answer.

The whole vibration and manifestation seems to make more sense with the vibration matching (subjectively reward and punishment) version.

You reincarnated where you could, that is where the vibrations matched your own.
I don’t know for sure though

So it’s ego. Fair enough :slight_smile:

Ok, but the whole is greater than the sum of its part and we’re but a tiny minuscule fraction of it, so we can’t really say that we are IT for all intent and purposes I think.

The universe is about to deliver some cease and desist letter to all those impersonating it lol
(Not saying you were doing that)

Edit: I’ll stop haha
Nevermind me.


Not saying there is a hell.
But if there is, I’m sure half of the residents think they are brave for being there, facing challenges and they’ll have so much fun once they get out.

Like they are owed good stuff because they’ve suffered lol

I mean that’s how the evil minds works, it doesn’t think it’s evil until it repents and that’s an active step. It finds justifications and rationals to make it sound noble no matter what. That’s the default passive approach.

Many can’t be saved at this point.

But if they can they then move on to redemption, maybe a negentropy-like process to atone.


If I could carry the memory of the existence forward? A May fly. I’d never take life for granted EVER again.


I don’t know for sure either. I think we are agreeing essentially though. I do agree that we incarnate what our consciousness has learned and grown up to understand/conceptualize up this point. So yeh, that would be your souls current vibration. I do think that it doesn’t matter how low you are in life, anyone can reach source. No matter the past karma or whatnot. The opportunity to go above your current vibration is always there.

As for time, yeah there is no linearity. Ah, this next point is going to be difficult to describe but I’ll try my best. Time is not linear, and so the past, present and future are happening at once. If the universe is infinitely expanding, then that means every fragment of the universe is infinitely expanding as well. So all it’s fragments of consciousness are spread out through the entirety of past, present, future.

On a universal consciousness level, there is no linearity. It’s all at once. A microbe and its future human form are present in the now, within the universe’s expansion. But on a personal level, we experience time as a sequence. We’re part of this bigger picture, yet we only see the sequence of our own experiences unless we step back, let go of our ego, and tap into a broader, all-encompassing consciousness.

Haha I get what you’re saying here. That’d be like saying that blood cell #5,324,345 is also Dr. Manhattan. So I’m with you on that.

From my perspective, I believe reality/consciousness to be completely interlinked. Consciousness is the source of the reality, and so reality is also consciousness. And this consciousness encapsulates the whole universe. So everything is this ‘consciousness.’

And this universal consciousness is experiencing every possible perspsective in the universe to fully experience itself, while also being just pure awareness that absorbs information unconditionally.

Now, you are that pure awareness beneath the mask. When you take off the egoic mask and become that pure awareness, you don’t just feel like a part of the universe… you feel like you are the universe experiencing ‘sammy’ or ‘manhattan’. It’s like you feel your awareness filling everything and everywhere around you, while still being locked/focused into this human body.

Here’s an analogy I like to use:

Imagine the universe as a grand ocean, and individual consciousness as drops within this ocean. Each drop (individual) perceives itself as separate, with its own identity and experiences, akin to how we experience individuality in our lives. However, at a fundamental level, every drop is made of the same water as the ocean—there’s no actual separation, only the perception of it.

Now, envision that one drop suddenly realizes its true nature. It’s not just a drop; it’s the entire ocean, experiencing itself in a localized, individual form. This realization is akin to shedding the ego—a drop acknowledging that it’s not confined to its small, drop-like identity but is, in fact, the vast, all-encompassing ocean.

In this moment of realization, the drop doesn’t lose its individuality but becomes aware of its true, boundless nature. It’s like the drop is still in its place in the ocean, playing its part, but now it knows that it’s also the whole ocean, experiencing itself through one tiny part. The drop hasn’t changed; its understanding of its own nature has. And in that understanding, comes a boundless state of awareness free from the chains of duality.

But eh, those are just my thoughts on this and are in no way an objective statement on reality.


lmao :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: That’s a quick 1,2,3 life haha.

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yooo Sam! It’s been some time since i’ve seen you around! Hope all has been well for you :heart: :heart: :relieved:


Exactly. I think people get caught up in the whole ego death thing… And it is important, but the point of ego death is so that the drop stops identifying with the microplastics, oil, and fecal matter contaminating it. Realizing that it’s a drop of water that has those things inside it, but it is not those things.

Which, of course, makes it easier to realize it’s a drop of THE OCEAN and as a pure drop, is as much the whole as it is part of the whole.

The point of ego work is to dislodge stories and resolve polarities, not to actually get rid of the ego IMHO. A trained ego would excel at identifying what was a vibrational match and what wasn’t and managing that energetic exchange.



Ideally for me, a trained ego means a consistent push forward of natural evolution and growth; with an aspect of managing these energetic exchanges and differences at no cost to the individual’s self/psyche