Don't want to be party breaker but

It’s clear that we have different perspectives on marriage. For me, marriage isn’t just a social contract or a cultural expectation—it represents a deep, mutual commitment between two people. I understand that, from your viewpoint or for someone in the trailer park, marriage is seen as an artificial construct that doesn’t necessarily equate to a real, loving connection.

However, in my world, marriage is a natural extension of a deep relationship. It’s not about chasing a title or fulfilling a societal norm, but about solidifying a bond in a way that symbolizes trust, love, and mutual growth. When I say I want to get married, I don’t mean it’s the end goal at the expense of the connection. To me, the connection is the foundation, and marriage is a meaningful step that follows from it.

I get your point about how focusing solely on marriage could make it seem like the relationship itself isn’t the priority. But I never said that. You guys judged. In my experience, I haven’t been fixated on just the idea of marriage. Rather, it’s about reaching a point where the relationship is so deep and meaningful that marriage becomes the natural next step. I’ve encountered obstacles that have prevented this, and that’s where my reflection on potential blockages comes from.

As for why I align marriage with a committed relationship, it’s a personal value. It’s about the mutual decision to build a life together, to commit in a way that feels official not just for ourselves but also within the world we navigate together.

I understand where you’re coming from, but for me, the goal is not simply “to get married”—it’s to have a lasting, real connection that ultimately includes marriage as part of the journey. If that scares someone away, it’s more a reflection of differing values rather than a misalignment of my focus.

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What is happening here lol 🫠 I’m flattered though and of course, you can chat with me. I’m open to whattever questions or thought you might have.

I am already married though so that’s off the books :sweat_smile:


You can have more wifes in some countries :slight_smile:


Bro… :joy:

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Lmao :laughing:


Going to another country is not required because there are many communities in USA itself that allow Polygamy :face_with_monocle:

They call it as Spiritual Union or Plural Marriages :sweat_smile:

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I did not know that Sammy is in the US. I am here not so long.

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This whole thread is classic - it has all the things :sweat_smile:

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Sammy bro I think you gotta ease up on the Adam Kadmon, Aphrodite and Blueprint of Love NFT’s…and perhaps go easy on the MatchMaker and Charisma Potion as well Lol :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::wink::laughing::rofl: